1. Introduction
In Audit management module of SAP it is necessary to show text (Value text) for the different audit
objects. The value text for the audit objects which have permitted input values will be displayed
automatically. This was implemented in the standard BADI implementation PLM_AUDIT_OBJECT_63
of the BADI PLM_AUDIT_OBJECT for the audit objects with input help for audit object as
63 SAP Standard implementation: specify value table as in customizing. For Audit objects
which reference SAP tables for values instead of permitted input values the value text won’t get
displayed.To display the value text for these audit objects we need to implement the logic
in the implicit enhancement present within the standard implementation PLM_AUDIT_OBJECT_63.
2. Business Description
Displaying the value text descriptions for audit objects are a mandatory requirement to the system
from the business, from a user point of view.
3. Configuring an Audit Type
Let us have some hindsight of configuring an audit type so that we can have some knowledge on the
input help for audit object.
Go to transaction SPRO
SAP Reference IMG---->Cross Application components---->Audit management---->Audit Definition----> Audit Type
Or go to the transaction PLMC_AUDIT.
Audit Definition---->Audit Type
Click on new entries.
Provide the audit type and its name. Select the audit usage, audit category, input values, status profile and
structure type from the dropdown list.
The value selected in the Input valuesdetermines the filter type that needs to be used for the BADI implementation.
For example the value selected here “SAP Standard implementation: Specify value table as in customizing” is
assigned to the filter type 63 of the BADI PLM_AUDIT_OBJECT.
Select the created audit type and assign the input fields (Audit Object) for that audit type by selecting the input
fields for audit type.
You will be navigated to the following screen.
Click on the new entries and add the audit objects to the audit type.
Provide the object, description, data element, object type, value table, field name and search help
for the audit object.
When the value table and field is given this audit object can only have values that exist
in the value table.
Now we will create an audit object which will have the permitted input values.
Create an audit object and select it then select the permitted input values. We don’t need
to provide any other values like data element for audit objects that have permitted input
You will be navigated to the following screen.
Click on new entries.
Provide the input values for the audit object. This audit object will only have values provided here.
Go to the transaction PLMD_AUDIT and create an audit.
Select the audit type as Sample audit object which we have created.
Now provide the values for the audit objects Material and Business unit.
Now we can see that for the audit object Business unit that have permitted input values
the value text (Chennai) is displayed beside it while for the audit object Material which
have values from the table, the value text is not getting displayed.
To display the values text for the audit object Material we need to implement the logic
in the implicit enhancement of the method GET_VALUE_SHORT_TEXTS of standard
4. Implementing the BADI
Implementation: PLM_AUDIT_OBJECT_63
Implementing Method: GET_VALUE_SHORT_TEXTS
Parameters of the Method:
Parameter | Type | Description |
FLT_VAL | Importing | Filter value (63 in our case) |
IO_AUDIT | Importing | Audit - Assignment |
IV_AUDIT_TYPE | Importing | Audit Type (A1 in our case) |
IT_AUDIT_OBJ_CUST | Importing | Parameters of audit object (created in SPRO) |
IO_PROJECT | Importing | Project Planning: Projects |
CT_PLMT_AUDIT_OBJECT_UI | Changing | Table with Dialog Structure for Audit Object |
Create an implicit enhancement implementation in the method GET_VALUE_SHORT_TEXTS of
the BADI in the enhancement spot present after the function module.
We can fetch the value text (description) based on any one of the following attributes of the audit object.
1. 1. Value table name and/or its field – will be present in the import parameter
IT_AUDIT_OBJ_CUST fields Value_tab_name and value_tab_field.
2. 2. Data element - will be present in the import parameter IT_AUDIT_OBJ_CUST
field Data_element
3. 3.Audit object name - will be present in the import parameter IT_AUDIT_OBJ_CUST
fields Auditobject_text
The value text for the audit objects which have permitted input values will be retrieved by the
function module PLM_AUDIT_OBJECT_PBO_CONVERT used in the standard implementation.
Fetch the Value text (description) for the audit objects (which have values from the table) from
the table using the value that will present in the changing parameter CT_PLMT_AUDIT_OBJECT_UI
field object_value.
The value present in the object_value field that to be used to fetch the value text from the table
may be type incompatible with the field in the table, particularly for the fields that use domain
which have conversion routine. Hence use the conversion exit to make the value type compatible
with the table field and then use this value to fetch the value text (description) from the table.
Update the field Value_text of the changing parameter CT_PLMT_AUDIT_OBJECT_UI with
the retrieved value text (description) of the value from the table.
Pseudo code
LOOP AT ct_plmt_audit_object_ui INTO w_auobj_ui WHERE
object_value IS NOT INITIAL AND
value_text IS INITIAL.
* Get the value table of the object from the internal table it_audit_obj_cust
READ TABLE it_audit_obj_cust INTO w_auobj_cust WITH KEY
object_type = w_auobj_ui-object_type.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
CASE w_auobj_cust-value_tab_name.
input = w_auobj_ui-object_value
output = l_matnr.
SELECT SINGLE matnr maktx FROM makt INTO w_material WHERE matnr = l_matnr AND
spras = lc_spras.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
w_auobj_ui-value_text = w_material-maktx.
MODIFY ct_plmt_audit_object_ui FROM w_auobj_ui TRANSPORTING value_text.
Screen shot of the audit after the value text has been implemented.
Here we can see the value text displayed for the audit object Material.