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Using Workflow Programming Exit for Travel Expense Approval Workflow: Copy attachments of travel expense attachments to workitem

A programming exit is an ABAP class that the system executes at a specific time during the processing of a workflow. Programming exits enable you to implement your own enhancements and adaptations.
ABAP classes that you use as programming exits must not use the following elements:
●      Calling of function module DB_COMMIT
●      Any type of RFC calls
●      Any changes to a system element in the container
This article describes a business scenario where Program Exit can be used in workflow. Whenever a user creates travel expense report from ESS portal and attaches some documents with it, the attachments are linked to BUS2089 instance using Generic Object Services. Later on if an approver wants to see the attachments of the expense report, he/she should open the SAP back-end transaction (launched from portal using SAP GUI HTML). From there approver can view the attachments using GOS dropdown.
This process requires that approver should have access authorization to back-end transaction. At the same time to end user it is inconvenient to launch SAP transaction to view attachments of expense. Client requested a functionality where attachments of the expense report are directly available as work item attachment.
Reader should have basic understanding of SAP Workflow and Generic Object Services.
Author:Parag Parikh   
Company:Deloitte Consulting LLP
Created on:24th March 2012
Author Bio
Parag Parikh.jpg
Parag Parikh is an SAP ABAP, SAP workflow consultant with 4.5 years of experience.  He has extensively worked on SAP ABAP and SAP workflow. Parag also has functional skills for SAP FS-CD solution. He has worked on many SAP modules including SAP FI/CO, SD, MM, QM, PP, PLM-RM, SRM, HCM, ESS/MSS and EH&S. Parag is working with Deloitte Consulting LLP as Workflow Consultant.  
Requirements in detail
1) Files attached to any travel expense report created by employee are linked to instance of Business Object BUS2089 using Generic Object Services
2) The approver should be able to view the attachments when he receives the work item in his/her inbox (SBWP) or UWL
3) The approver can approve/reject or send the expense report back to employee for revision. While revising the expense report, employee may add/remove some attachments. Hence it is necessary that every time a work item is created for travel expense approval step, we copy the attachments of BUS2089 instance to work item.
Creating Programming Exit Class
1) Create class ZHRXMCL_TRIP_APP_PROG_EXT in SE24.  Use interface IF_SWF_IFS_WORKFLOW_EXIT.
Exit class.JPG
2) Interface IF_SWF_IFS_WORKITEM_EXIT contains method EVENT_RAISED. SAP webflow engine calls this method when events like work item created, ready etc. are fired by workflow environment. Hence this method can be used to identify work item related events.
3) In the forwarded declaration for the class, declare type pool SWRCO. This type pool contains necessary data declaration to use program exit.
Declare additional attributes as shown below in the class.Attrbiute WI_CONTEXT provides us the context of the work item for which program exit is trigerred.
4) Below is the sample code to be written in method EVENT_RAISED. We first check if the event triggered was 'CREATED'. If yes, we go ahead and call method AFTER_CREATION to handle event.
*--After creation, call out method
*--Set current work item context
  me->wi_context = im_workitem_context.

  IF im_event_name <> swrco_event_after_creation.

*--Call after creation method
  me->after_creation( ).
5) Files attached to any travel expense report created by employee are linked to instance of Business Object BUS2089 using Generic Object Services. Hence in the method AFTER_CREATION we should first try to read the GOS Attachment and then copy these attachments to work item.
Restriction on program exit for workflow is that, within program exit methods we can not have call to an RFC FM. SAP FM available for reading and copying GOS attachments are RFC FM or internally calls RFC FM. Example is FM  BDS_BUSINESSDOCUMENT_GET_INFO. If we try to use SAP provided classes for GOS, again we need to investigate and make sure that the classes internally do not call RFC, which again makes this task laborious.
To overcome above restriction, one of the workaround is to create a custom event when work item is created. In response to this event, we can call a custom task which copies the attachment of travel expense to the approval work item. This will create a loose coupling between work item created event and process of copying GOS attachments to work item.
Programming Exit Class  workflow.JPG
Shown below is the sample code for method AFTER_CREATION where we trigger the custom event.
*--Local Variables
  DATA:l_workitem_id TYPE sww_wiid        ,
       l_value1      TYPE string          ,
       l_value2      TYPE string          .

  DATA:l_pernr TYPE persno   ,
       l_reinr TYPE reinr    .

  DATA:   l_object_key   TYPE swr_struct-object_key,
          lt_container    TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF swr_cont,
          ls_container TYPE swr_cont.

*--Local reference to work item container
  DATA:lrf_container TYPE REF TO if_swf_ifs_parameter_container.

*--Get work item ID
  CALL METHOD wi_context->get_workitem_id
      re_workitem = l_workitem_id.

*--Get work item container
  CALL METHOD wi_context->get_wi_container
      re_container = lrf_container.

*--Get Trip Number from container element
      CALL METHOD lrf_container->get
          name  = 'TripNumber'
          value = l_value1.
*    unit       =
*    returncode =
    CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_not_found .
    CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_type_conflict .
    CATCH cx_swf_cnt_unit_type_conflict .
    CATCH cx_swf_cnt_container .

*--Get employee number from container element
      CALL METHOD lrf_container->get
          name  = 'EmployeeNumber'
          value = l_value2.
*    unit       =
*    returncode =
    CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_not_found .
    CATCH cx_swf_cnt_elem_type_conflict .
    CATCH cx_swf_cnt_unit_type_conflict .
    CATCH cx_swf_cnt_container .

*--Call FM to get relationships if any of trip and copy attachments to work item
  l_pernr = l_value2.
  l_reinr = l_value1.

*--Create event to attach files
  l_object_key = l_reinr.
  ls_container-element = 'PersonnelNumber'.   
  ls_container-value   = l_pernr.
  APPEND ls_container TO lt_container.
  ls_container-element = 'TripNumber'
  ls_container-value   = l_reinr.
  APPEND ls_container TO lt_container.
  ls_container-element = 'WorkItem'
  ls_container-value   = l_workitem_id.
  APPEND ls_container TO lt_container.
      object_type     = 'ZHRXMTRIP'
      object_key      = l_object_key
      event           = 'SentForApproval'
      input_container = lt_container.
6) Shown below is the structure of custom business object ZHRXMTRIP and its event SentForApproval. We also see that event has parameters personnel number, trip number and approval work item number. These parameters can be used to first read GOS attachment and then copy them to approval work item.
Custom BO.JPG
Custom Business Object ZHRXMTRIP
Event Parameter.JPG
Parameters for event SentForApproval
7) Define a custom method in any SE24 class that you are using for workflow task (class with interface IF_WORKFLOW) and add logic below to archive desired functionality. In order to modularize the code, we see that FM ZHREXP_ATTACHMENTS_TO_WIis defined. This FM contains desired functionality to copy and attach files to workitem.
*--Attach the BUS2089 attachments to work item
      im_workitemid                  = i_workitem
      im_pernr                       = i_pernr
      im_reinr                       = i_reinr
      no_attachment_found            = 1
      error_reading_attachment       = 2
      error_instantiating_attachment = 3
      OTHERS                         = 4.
  IF sy-subrc &lt;> 0.
    IF sy-subrc = 1.
      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4
            RAISING no_attachment_found .
    ELSEIF sy-subrc = 2.
      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4
            RAISING error_reading_attachment .
    ELSEIF sy-subrc = 3.
      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4
            RAISING error_instantiating_attachment.
8) Below is the code for FM ZHREXP_ATTACHMENTS_TO_WI
*"*"Local Interface:
  DATA BEGIN OF ls_docid_structure.
          INCLUDE STRUCTURE soentryi1.
  DATA END OF ls_docid_structure.

  DATA: ls_lpor           TYPE sibflporb,
        lt_conn           TYPE TABLE OF bdn_con,
        ls_conn           TYPE bdn_con,
        ls_atta           TYPE swr_att_id,
        ls_key            TYPE soodk,
        ls_text           TYPE soli,
        ls_comment        TYPE bcss_dbpc,
        lt_hex_cont       TYPE TABLE OF solix,
        ls_hex_cont       TYPE solix,
        lrf_document      TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
        lrf_bcs_exception TYPE REF TO cx_root,
        ls_att_header     TYPE swr_att_header.

  DATA: l_att_txt         TYPE string,
        l_text            TYPE string,
        l_file_ext        TYPE char3,
        l_document_id     TYPE sofolenti1-doc_id,
        l_binfile         TYPE xstring.

* Field Symbols

* Constants
  CONSTANTS : lc_x        TYPE  char1      VALUE 'X',
              lc_bus2089  TYPE  bds_clsnam VALUE 'BUS2089',
              lc_clstype  TYPE  char2      VALUE 'BO',
              lc_e        TYPE  char1      VALUE 'E',
              lc_t        TYPE  char1      VALUE 'T',
              lc_b        TYPE  char1      VALUE 'B'.

  CONCATENATE im_pernr im_reinr INTO ls_lpor-instid.
  ls_lpor-typeid  = lc_bus2089.
  ls_lpor-catid   = lc_clstype.

      classname        = lc_bus2089
      classtype        = lc_clstype
      objkey           = ls_lpor-instid
      all              = lc_x
      no_gos_docs      = ''
      all_connections  = lt_conn
      no_objects_found = 1
      error_kpro       = 2
      internal_error   = 3
      not_authorized   = 4
      OTHERS           = 5.
  IF sy-subrc &lt;> 0.
    MESSAGE e681(zhr_msg) WITH im_pernr im_reinr RAISING
  ELSEIF lt_conn[] IS INITIAL.
    MESSAGE e680(zhr_msg) WITH im_pernr im_reinr RAISING

*--Process the attachment list
  LOOP AT lt_conn INTO ls_conn.
    l_document_id = ls_conn-loio_id.
    CLEAR ls_docid_structure.
    MOVE l_document_id TO ls_docid_structure.
*--Check class of document
*  For text of ASC document, use BCS to easily fetch contents
    IF ls_conn-docuclass = 'txt' OR ls_conn-docuclass = 'TXT' OR
       ls_conn-docuclass = 'asc' OR ls_conn-docuclass = 'ASC'.
      CLEAR ls_key.
      ls_key-objtp = ls_docid_structure-objtp.
      ls_key-objyr = ls_docid_structure-objyr.
      ls_key-objno = ls_docid_structure-objno.
          CALL METHOD cl_document_bcs=>getu_instance_by_key
              i_sood_key   = ls_key
              i_no_enqueue = lc_x
              result       = lrf_document.
        CATCH cx_document_bcs .
          CALL METHOD lrf_bcs_exception->get_text
              result = l_text.
          MESSAGE e681(zhr_msg) WITH im_pernr im_reinr RAISING

*--Read content
          CALL METHOD lrf_document->if_document_bcs~get_body_part_content
              im_part    = 1
              re_content = ls_comment.
        CATCH cx_document_bcs .
          CALL METHOD lrf_bcs_exception->get_text
              result = l_text.

          MESSAGE e681(zhr_msg) WITH im_pernr im_reinr RAISING

      LOOP AT ls_comment-cont_text INTO ls_text.
        CONCATENATE l_att_txt ls_text INTO l_att_txt.

      l_file_ext = ls_conn-docuclass.
      TRANSLATE l_file_ext TO UPPER CASE.                "#EC TRANSLANG
      ls_att_header-file_type       = lc_t.
      ls_att_header-file_extension  = l_file_ext.
      CONCATENATE ls_conn-descript l_file_ext INTO ls_att_header-file_name.
      ls_att_header-language        = lc_e.
          workitem_id    = im_workitemid
          att_header     = ls_att_header
          att_txt        = l_att_txt
          document_owner = ls_conn-crea_user
          do_commit      = lc_x
          att_id         = ls_atta.
      APPEND ls_atta TO t_atta.
      CLEAR ls_atta.
*--For other types of document, SO_DOCUMENT_READ_API1 returns contents of the file
*  in HEX format
      CLEAR lt_hex_cont[].
*--Read the data
          document_id                = l_document_id
          contents_hex               = lt_hex_cont
          document_id_not_exist      = 1
          operation_no_authorization = 2
          x_error                    = 3
          OTHERS                     = 4.

      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        MESSAGE e681(zhr_msg) WITH im_pernr im_reinr RAISING error_reading_attachment.

      CLEAR l_binfile.
      LOOP AT lt_hex_cont INTO ls_hex_cont.
        ASSIGN ls_hex_cont TO <p> CASTING.
        CONCATENATE l_binfile <p> INTO l_binfile IN BYTE MODE.

      IF im_workitemid IS NOT INITIAL.
        l_file_ext = ls_conn-docuclass.
        TRANSLATE l_file_ext TO UPPER CASE.              "#EC TRANSLANG
        ls_att_header-file_type       = lc_b.
        ls_att_header-file_extension  = l_file_ext.
        CONCATENATE ls_conn-descript l_file_ext INTO ls_att_header-file_name.
        ls_att_header-language        = lc_e.
            workitem_id    = im_workitemid
            att_header     = ls_att_header
            att_bin        = l_binfile
            document_owner = ls_conn-crea_user
            do_commit      = lc_x
            att_id         = ls_atta.
        APPEND ls_atta TO t_atta.
        CLEAR ls_atta.
    ENDIF"Binary or text

  IF t_atta[] IS INITIAL.
    MESSAGE e680(zhr_msg) WITH im_pernr im_reinr RAISING


9) Now we can use the SE24 class method that calls the FM above in a standard task created in PFTC.
In trigerring event tab of the task, provide the  name of custom BO event that we trigerred from program exit class.
Shown above is binding of required details from trigerring event to task container.
10) In travel expense approval workflow, we can then specify name of program exit class in the program exit tab as shown below.
Program Exit Tab.JPG
11) Now, every time a travel expense report approval work item is created in approver's UWL, all the attachments of the expense are copied to work item as shown below. If needed we can remove the Business Object instance attached by default with work item.

Related Content

Below links are useful to understand SAP Workflow Program Exit.


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