You can use the function SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1 to send an email from SAP, but you could also use Oo.
Example of simple HTML mail with Oo.
Data declaration
DATA : obj_mime_helper TYPE REF TO cl_gbt_multirelated_service ,
obj_bcs TYPE REF TO cl_bcs ,
obj_doc_bcs TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs ,
obj_recipient TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs ,
w_status TYPE bcs_rqst ,
is_soli TYPE soli ,
it_soli TYPE TABLE OF soli .
Creation of the mail
* Create the main object of the mail.
CREATE OBJECT obj_mime_helper.
* Create the mail content.
MOVE '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">' TO is_soli-line.
APPEND is_soli TO it_soli.
MOVE '<HTML>' TO is_soli-line.
APPEND is_soli TO it_soli.
MOVE '<BODY>' TO is_soli-line.
APPEND is_soli TO it_soli.
MOVE '<P>Hello world !</P>' TO is_soli-line.
APPEND is_soli TO it_soli.
MOVE '</BODY>' TO is_soli-line.
APPEND is_soli TO it_soli.
MOVE '</HTML>' TO is_soli-line.
APPEND is_soli TO it_soli.
* Set the HTML body of the mail
CALL METHOD obj_mime_helper->set_main_html
content = it_soli
filename = ''
description = 'Hello world'.
* Set the subject of the mail.
obj_doc_bcs = cl_document_bcs=>create_from_multirelated(
i_subject = 'Mail example'
i_importance = '9' " 1 / 5 / 9
i_multirel_service = obj_mime_helper ).
obj_bcs = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
i_document = obj_doc_bcs ).
* Set the email address
obj_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address(
i_address_string = '' ).
i_recipient = obj_recipient ).
* Change the status.
MOVE 'N' TO w_status.
CALL METHOD obj_bcs->set_status_attributes
i_requested_status = w_status.
* Send the mail.
obj_bcs->send( ).
* Commit Work.
IF sy-subrc EQ space.
Go in transaction SOST to see the mail :
The sender is the user who ran the program.
Example of mail with a simple attachment
Data declaration (add)
w_attach_type TYPE so_obj_tp ,
w_attach_subject TYPE so_obj_des ,
w_attach_length TYPE sood-objlen ,
w_rc TYPE i ,
w_filename TYPE string ,
w_length TYPE i ,
is_file TYPE file_table ,
it_file TYPE filetable ,
it_file_content TYPE TABLE OF solix.
Open the file
* Get the filename of the input file.
CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog
file_table = it_file
rc = w_rc
CHECK sy-subrc EQ space AND
NOT it_file[] IS INITIAL.
* Get the first line (single selection)
READ TABLE it_file
INTO is_file
CHECK sy-subrc EQ space.
MOVE is_file-filename TO w_filename.
* Read the file and put it in the internal table
CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
filename = w_filename
filetype = 'BIN'
filelength = w_length
data_tab = it_file_content
OTHERS = 19.
it's really an easy example, there is no need to convert the file content.
Insert the attachment in the mail
MOVE : 'PDF' TO w_attach_type ,
w_filename TO w_attach_subject ,
w_length TO w_attach_length .
CALL METHOD obj_doc_bcs->add_attachment
i_attachment_type = w_attach_type
i_attachment_subject = w_attach_subject
i_attachment_size = w_attach_length
i_att_content_hex = it_file_content.
For this example, I force the attachment type to PDF, but it could be anything.
Used the method ADD_ATTACHMENT after the creation of the object OBJ_DOC_BCS or you will have a dump.
The mail didn't change, but there is a new tab in the message detail : Attachments
I have keep the full location of the filename, but you could keep only the filename.
Modify the sender
It's something useful to change the sender of an email. For example, when you send the mail to a customer and you didn't want he replies to you but to a generic mail box like
Data declaration (add)
obj_sender TYPE REF TO if_sender_bcs .
PARAMETERS : p_sender TYPE ad_smtpadr.
Modify the sender in the OBJ_BCS
* Modify the sender
obj_sender = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address(
i_address_string = p_sender ).
obj_bcs->set_sender( i_sender = obj_sender ).
In my example you could choose the email address of the sender.
In the RFC of the SMTP is not really allowed to send a mail from a domain different of the mail address. That means, my SMTP server must refused to send a mail from because I'm not owner of this domain. You could have a message like : "SMTP relaying denied"
(next step, Mail of a Smartforms)