Idoc deletion/archiving and reorganization process : A housekeeping process
Idoc deletion :
There are two ways for Idoc deletion:
· Archive Idoc’s and delete using SARA. The deleted Idoc’s can later be restored.
1. 1. Go to Tcode SARA: Select archiving object Idoc.
2. 2. Select mode as WRITE and maintain a variant. You can also go directly to report RSEXARCA and schedule that in background.
3. 3. Maintain start date and spool parameters and execute. Archiving job will be scheduled. The Idoc will still be available in WE02.
4. 4. In the next step schedule deletion using SARA. Select the archive, start date and spool parameters and click execute. The Idoc’s will be deleted and stored to external DB. Alternatively you can go to report RSEXARCD for the same.
5. 5. The Idoc’s will now not be available in WE02.
6. 6. To read the deleted Idoc’s from archive go to Tcode SARA and select read and then select archive to read. Data will be displayed.
7. Further you can also use WE09/We10 for displaying Idoc’s from archive.
8. For reloading the Idoc’s from archive data base use report RSEXARCL and click execute. Idoc’s will be restored back.
There are plenty of other option in SARA using which we can archive vendor master data, customer master data and other functional documents as well.
· Idoc’s delete without archiving:
1. 1. Idoc’s can be directly deleted from DB using WE11 Tcode. This is having multiple options i.e. delete using message type/Idoc number/idoc status/start date end date. You can also select maximum number of Idoc’s to be deleted in one run.
Database housekeeping/reorganization jobs for Idoc’s :
1. 1. Regular scheduling of program RSRLDREL to delete the idoc application links that are no longer required. We can delete these links older than three months. This is recommended by SAP in note 505608.
More reference: Note 706478 - Preventing Basis tables from increasing considerably
SAP help:
Gaurav Ranjan