Kindly find attached source code.
( By using HTML Codes to open images on body of mail )
1) Introduction
2) Output for Welcome Mail
3) Output for Greeting Mail
4) Difference Between Both the Mails
5) Mandatory Previous Settings.
6) Main Screen.
7) Inputs to Send Welcome Mails or Other.
8) Inputs to Send Greeting Mail.
9) Source Code - Available in Attachment.
1) Introduction:
This document contains the total procedure and source code to send mail with image in the mail body by using HTML
inside ABAP Editor, which includes individual and bulk mail sending. The another future is Signature coloring and image attachment for MIME and subject editing.
Utility of this ZMAIL sending program use to send welcome mails and greeting mails.
2) Output for Welcome Mail:
Hi All,
xxxxxxxxx extends a hearty welcome to Mr. xxxxxxxxxxxx, who has joined us on 19thJuly 2013
in the capacity of ‘Lead Consultant’ to perform the role of SAP-SRM Consulting.
HR - xxxxxxxxx
3) Output for Greeting Mail:
Dear Mr. Xxxxxxxxxxx,
Happy Independence day.
HR - xxxxxxxxx
4) Difference Between Both the Mails:
There are some difference in both the mails, welcome mail starts with " HI ALL " but the greeting mail starts with
" DEAR MR/MR/MISS. XXXXXXXXX ". Because welcome mail has to go for every body sating that He/She joined
in our company, in the mean while the greeting mail has to go individuals with their name.
5) Mandatory Previous Settings.
This program created with a custom table ZEMP . To use this program kindly create a table like
the following so that the greeting mail will get send to all mail id's which is maintaining by the table,
and also maintain the proper text elements as follows.
Fig 5.1
Fig 5.2
Fig 5.3
6) Main Screen:
Fig 6.1
7) Inputs to Send Welcome Mails or Other:
E-Mail Address : Group or Individual Mails.
Image : Attach the image from your PC it will automatically get saved in
MIME Repository, Create a TR if you want to move it for R/3
Subject : Any
Then click on the mail button to compose mails.
If Ms office installed in current PC the Ms Editor (Dialogue Editor) will get open.
Fig 7.1
Other wise it will open the following editor.
Fig 7.2
Save and click on back button you can get the selection screen again with your inputs.
Click Send button to send a mail.
8) Inputs to Send Greeting Mail:
E-Mail Address : Mail id not necessary, it will pick automatically from the table.
Leave it blank.
Image : Attach the image from your PC it will automatically get saved in
MIME Repository, Create a TR if you want to move it for R/3
Subject : Any
Then click on the mail button to compose mails.
Save and click on back button you can get the selection screen again with your inputs.
Click Send to send a mail.
Kindly Find the attachment for the Source code.