Hi All,
I am working on a set of templates for SAP functionality. They will be things that I write over and over again every time that I change companies.
- There will be a topic.
- Then there will be a link. The link will goto a new document that contains the template with notes on how to use it and what I consider reasonable documentation.
- Then there will a little description
So this document will be my table of contents.
- Programming style sheets:
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Elements_of_Programming_Style
- http://www.sethi.org/classes/cet375/daily_lecture_notes/programming_style_sheet.phtml
- https://scn.sap.com/thread/593126
- http://www.sap-press.de/download/dateien/1948/sappress_official_abap_programming_guideline.pdf
- http://web.mit.edu/fss/dev/newdevstand.html
- Holder
- Protecting your access - Enqueue, Dequeue
- Holder
- Functional Spec Template
- Waits between job steps
- Waits between job steps - Overview
- Email Invoice to multiple recipients
- General ALV Template
This will hopefully grow to be to large for it's initial look and feel, so expect this core document to under go continuous reformatting.
Some entries will disappear from this page. Initially, I will be gathering multiple representative examples here until I can nail down the style that I prefer. When they no longer fit me firmer standards, some of the best will be moved here (http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-43784)
Neal Wilhite