As a beginner ,I was used to Tcodes - SE09 /SE10 to deal with transports and later I came to know that there is more to it , We just need to explore SAP.
SE03 - It is collection of programs which helps us to manage our transports .Transports can be a carrier which carries our development/data from one system to another .
However lets come back to SE03 ,I know it can be a BASIC thing for many of us but would try to share whatever I have learnt so far.
SE03 - Tcode:
1. Search for objects in Requests and tasks :
This one is very helpful if you want to verify the number of TRs being released or are being availlable in the development system as of today .
Apart from version mangement which is available for objects ,We can utilize this utility to find out when and who created and released the TR.
1. Go to SE03 - Search for objects in requests and tasks -> Execute
It does have options to select - If we want a list of TR which has been used for a program -Say "ZTEST".
Just put it in the screen as given below and execute - It will give you a list of transports :
I have seen in some occasion when we have a situation where functional configuration relevant transports need one.
Well SAP does have a option availbale for that - IMG activity -
Choose the SPRO configuration step and execute - It will display the list of transports .
It does have a selection criteria on Transport creation /attributes etc .Choose accordingly .
2.Analyze Objects in Requests/Tasks :
It gives us an option to anlyse a particular transport and a report will displayed with package /layer details.
Please press F4 and find the help.
If you want details of non released TR - Please put the sub task of the TR .
If you want the details of released TR - You can put the primary one - It will give the details.
3.Include objects in a Transport request :
In development system - We used to develop objects ,Howevr while trying to move it to production - We want to ensure that all the developed objects are in a TR .
If not - We can use this feature to make it happen.Let me agree to the fact that SAP does prompt for TR while we create a object in a package but if in case you need some existing object to be moved along with TR or any other scenario which might need to include a object in a TR.We can use it.
Table ZTEST created by me needs to be included in some TR .
After executing it will ask for inlcluding the object in a TR ;
I hope this document will help someone .
Thanks - Boby