Scenario: Service PO, which is being created by client, needs to be validated against the Service Invoice (provided by municipalities), only then Incoming invoice will be created against the service PO in client system.
Client is dealing with hundreds of municipalities, End user receives file automatically from municipalities via PI or via email which he can upload manually as well.
Problem Statement: Each municipality is having different TAGS and XML structure as well along with the municipality identifiers. Each municipality can also change its XML file structure any time of the year. PI can read the XML file and identify the municipality but JAVA coding was required. Also to handle all these challenges JAVA coding needs to be modified when municipality adjust its XML format.
Solution: In order to identify the municipality we have come up with a Generic solution as follows:
1. 1. Read the file and perform virus scan to identify the malicious threat (if any)
2. 2. Read the XML TAGS and compares it with stored municipality identifier list in customizing.
3. Finally sends back the Municipality identifier and file to PI which uses a rule based mechanism to break down file into the correct data structure and pass back to our solution for further processing.
Use the text file, provided in attachments to copy and paste the Report ‘Z_XML_TAG_IDENT_VIRUS_SCAN’ code directly. Apart from this below steps need to be provided:
1. 1. Complete the Virus scan profile customizing by providing Active scan profile, group for default profile ‘/SCET/GUI_UPLOAD’ of file upload feature.
This can be maintained at SPRO->SAP NetWeaver->Application Server->System Administration->Virus Scan Interface->Define Virus Scan Profiles
2. Create a custom customizing table for maintaining TAGS and identifiers.
Refer attchment document for both the above steps.