Material Document List (MB51) Selection Screen Enhancement
Within Inventory Management, the material document list transaction is used to list material documents. It is a very popular transaction.
The selection fields can be changed in configuration.
For example: We want to add the "Order" field to the selection screen.
Selection screen before change
Transaction MB51 - Material Document List
Observation – Current Selection screen has no "Material Document Year" field.
Screen after change
Transaction MB51 - Material Document List
This time with the "Material Document Year" field in the selection.
Configuration Required:
Config Menu > Materials Management > Inventory Management > Reporting > Define Field Selection for Material Document List
Or Go-to SM30 and Maintain Table V_MMIM_REP_CUST.
The above shown example is for existing program/Table/Field, you can also add New Entries as per your requirement.
You can also add some fields in output display follow the same steps and check Output option.
In case we need to add some fields which are not from table MKPF/ MSEG then use below enhancement spot to add other fields.
Enhancement Spot: ES_RM07DOCS
Implicit: Add fields in displayed structure near ENHANCEMENT 1 MGV_LAMA_RM07DOCS
RM07DOCS_07 Add fields
RM07DOCS_02 Top Include
RM07DOCS_04 Initialization
RM07DOCS_06 Fill added fields value in Loop
Refer below SAP Note for more details:
Note 357187 - MB51: Fields in field catalog / selection screen
Note 828104 - Enhancing MB51 for AFS
Sujeet Mishra