In The RF Programming Table Controls can not be created. But the following
Code can create virtual table where the user can navigate up and Down.
Due to Space restriction in RF, only some fields are visible at a time and
User can scroll vertically through the fields by pressing up and down button.
In Solectron scenario, only 4 fields are visible at a time.
STEP 1: Create the layout for Virtual Table by arranging I/O Box.
Make all scrollable true to scroll each field horizontally.
STEP 2: Get the Data to be displayed in internal table i.e itab_mpn_detail.
STEP 3: Show first four records of an internal table in tabular format when the screen is displayed for the First time which will be called at the PBO of screen.
*& Form sub_init_MPN
* Show Manufacturing Part No in tabular format PBO of 9600
FORM sub_init_mpn
Data : l_step type i.
*Show 4 records at a time in tabular format
LOOP AT itab_mpn_detail INTO wa_mpn_detail.
*Compare with the counter variable
IF l_step EQ cnt_track.
*Otherwise increase the counter
l_step = l_step + 1.
*assign it into screen variable to show in tabular format
CASE l_step.
WHEN c_1.
v_no1 = l_step. "Serial no
v_mfg_pno1 = wa_mpn_detail-partno. "MPN
WHEN c_2.
v_no2 = l_step. "Serial no
v_mfg_pno2 = wa_mpn_detail-partno. "MPN
WHEN c_3.
v_no3 = l_step. "Serial no
v_mfg_pno3 = wa_mpn_detail-partno. "MPN
WHEN c_4.
v_no4 = l_step. "Serial no
v_mfg_pno4 = wa_mpn_detail-partno. "MPN
STEP 4: Navigate the next records of the internal table one by one in tabular format when the user press up and down Button. It should be written in PAI of Screen.
*& Form sub_navigate_DOWN
* Navigate down the Manufacturing name details
FORM sub_navigate_down .
DATA: l_track TYPE i. "Keep track of records shown
* Compare with total no of records
IF cnt_track < v_mpn_tot.
*check counter does not reach to end of record*
* Increase table record counter by 1
cnt_track = cnt_track + 1.
l_track = cnt_track.
*Show the Records of the table
PERFORM sub_mpn_detail CHANGING l_track.
*& Form SUB_navigate_UP
* Navigate up the MPN details
FORM sub_navigate_up .
DATA: l_track TYPE i. "Keep track of records shown
IF cnt_track > c_4.
*Check Begin of record has reached
* Decrease table record counter by 1
cnt_track = cnt_track - 1.
l_track = cnt_track.
*Show the records of the table
PERFORM sub_mpn_detail CHANGING l_track.
*& Form sub_MPN_detail
* Read the internal table to show MPN Overview
* --> p1 l_track
FORM sub_mpn_detail CHANGING l_track.
*Show the fourth record at the table at screen
READ TABLE itab_mpn_detail INDEX l_track INTO wa_mpn_detail.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
*Assign into screen variales
v_no4 = l_track. "Serial No
v_mfg_pno4 = wa_mpn_detail-partno. "MPN
* Decrease counter by 1
l_track = cnt_track - 1.
*Show the third record at the table at screen
READ TABLE itab_mpn_detail INDEX l_track INTO wa_mpn_detail.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
* Assign into screen variables
v_no3 = l_track. "Serial No
v_mfg_pno3 = wa_mpn_detail-partno. "MPN
*Decrease counter by 1
l_track = cnt_track - 2.
*Show the second record at the table at screen
READ TABLE itab_mpn_detail INDEX l_track INTO wa_mpn_detail.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
v_no2 = l_track. "Serial No
v_mfg_pno2 = wa_mpn_detail-partno."MPN
*Decrease counter by 1
l_track = cnt_track - 3.
*Show the first record at the table at screen
READ TABLE itab_mpn_detail INDEX l_track INTO wa_mpn_detail.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
v_no1 = l_track. "Serial No
v_mfg_pno1 = wa_mpn_detail-partno."MPN
- ENDFORM. " sub_mat_detail
When it is displayed for the 1st time:
if user press Down Button:
if user press Down Button:
if user press UP Button: