Workflow builder is the business workflow tool for creating, editing and displaying the workflow definition.
The Workflow Builder provides a graphical modeling view, which gives a direct overview of the processes of the different steps.
Also there is a tree view to shows all steps of the workflow definition in a hierarchical view.
The workflow container contains workflow-specific system elements as well as other container elements, which are defined explicitly.Container
elements for which the import or export indicator is set form the interface of the workflow. This interface is valid for all versions of the workflow
definition. Container elements for which no import or export indicators are set are local container elements of the workflow
definition and are valid only in the versions of the workflow definition in which they were defined.
Work item is run time representation of a task or a step in the workflow definition. There are various types of work item.
The SAP System determines the recipient(s) of a work item i.e. Actual Agent from the intersection of responsible and possible agents. If this intersection is empty then no body will get this work item for further processing.
A work item (type W) which at run time represents a workflow step or a task that requires dialog with the user.
Typically, dialog work items are displayed in the Business Workplace. When a dialog work item that is based on a task is executed, the underlying object method is called.
Triggering event is the one, whose occurrence triggers or starts the workflows or tasks.
The event must be entered as a triggering event for the task or workflow that is to be started.
The event linkage must be activated.
The event must be defined as an object type component in the Business Object Builder.
A task or workflow can have several triggering events. Information from the event creation context can be passed in the binding from the event container to the task container or workflow container
Task container is a location for storing data from the task environment.
The task container contains the information about the object reference to the object to be processed, the actual agent of workitem, necessary input parameters for the method.
These parameters come from workflow container after the binding between workflow container and task container. It also stores the information available after the method processing.
The task container contains some predefined workflow system elements. One can define more container elements in the task container. It is also known as a work item container at runtime.
Responsible Agent: Responsible Agent is a user assigned to a step in the step definition. Expressions, organizational objects, or rules can also be used to assign the responsible agents.
Possible Agent: Possible agent is a user who is authorized organizationally to start a task and execute the relevant work item.
Actual Agent: Actual Agent is the person who receives a work item for further processing. The agent can be directly assigned to step or agent determination can happen dynamically at run time either from rule or from the organization structure
Block is an element of workflow definition. It contains the consistently arranged steps and operators.
It has one start and one end.
The consistency and robustness of a workflow definition is ensured because a block is always created when a new step is created, or an undefined step is changed.
Similarly, when individual steps are deleted, cut, or inserted, the entire block in which the step is located is affected.