Please find step by step guide to add radio buttons in module pool programming in attached file.
Steps:1. Go to transaction code SE80 , select program , enter the program name and click display icon . Below pop up will appear .
Steps:2. Click yes button . Below screen will appear .
Steps:3. Click continue .
Steps:4. Give the appropriate nam e and press continue .
Steps:5. Below screen will appear .
Steps:6. Go on clicking o n save .
Steps:7. Select the program name , right click and create –> Screen.
Steps:8. Provide the screen number and press enter .
Steps:9. Enter short description and save .
Steps:10. Go to layout of the screen .
Steps:11. . Create radio button 1
Steps:12. Similarly create radio button 2 .
Steps:13 Now group these two radio buttons . Select both the radio buttons go to Edit-> Grouping –> Radio button Group –> Define .
Steps:14 Now double click on Radio button 1 below screen will appear . Assign the function code to the radio button.
Steps:15 Double click on radio button 2 and function code will automatically in the attribute window as below.
Steps:16 Go to the flow logic of the screen, uncomment the module in the PBO and double click the module. Below screen will appear.
Steps:17 Click on yes. It will ask for the include. Select appropriate include.
Steps:18 Below screen will appear . Press enter.
Steps:19 Uncomment the below statements.
Steps:20 Create the GUI status and title bar.
Steps:21 In the “top include” of the program define the variables for radio buttons. The names should be same as the names provided in screen.
Steps:22 Uncomment the module in the PAI, double click on the module name and press enter to create.
Steps:23 Select appropriate include and go on saving. Write the code here.
Steps:24 Now create the transaction for the program as we cannot directly execute this report.
Steps:25 Enter the transaction code and the description.
Steps:26 Pass the program name , screen number , check below 3 check boxes and save as below.
Steps:27 Below message will appear .
Output :
Execute the transaction code ZDEMO_RADIO .