After SAP Archiving Activity - Part1, Please proceed with below sequence for Step 2 completion..
Archiving, Deletion and post processing activities need to be performed using TCODE SARA.
Select the highlighted Archive push button.
Select the ‘Maintain’ Push button.
Enter the appropriate company codes and also year and periods.
Then, Press Enter.
Now variant has been created as per the selection parameters.
Press F3 till the below screen appears.
Select ‘Start date’.
In above screen,
- Select ‘Immediate’ Push button
- Select ‘Check’ Push button
- Finally ‘Save’ it.
- Select ‘Check’ Push button
Then, select the ‘Spool params’ push button in the screen.
Provide the Output device= LOCL
Unmark ‘Print Immediately’ and ‘delete after output’. Then, Press Enter.
Again, Press Enter.
Here, observe the rectangle box. “Both must be in Green and Maintained”.
As per the above screenshot we can notice that new archiving job has been generated. To View the job, please press button.
Job is in Active status. After the successful completion of the job, Deletion activity starts.
Press Go back (For Deletion Activity=> Click on Delete button )
Press the ‘Archive selection’ push button.
Select all the files for deletion and press enter.
In above screen,
- Select ‘Immediate’ Push button
- Select ‘Check’ Push button
- Finally ‘Save’ it.
- Select ‘Check’ Push button
After above selection parameters have been filled, Press Enter.
Here, observe the rectangle box. “All must be in Green and Maintained”.
Here we can notice the ‘Active’ Status jobs. Wait for 'Finished' status.
After jobs finished successfully, The Post processing activity needs to be initiated in the following way!
Until this part, Deletion activity has been finished.
Post Processing:
Press the ‘Postpr.’ Button as shown above
Press Enter
Go Back to the below screen..
Maintain Start date and Spool params as mentioned earlier.
Once the active job finished successfully, we can understand that post processing step also completed.
This is the SAP Archiving activity Process...
Kiran N