Hi Guys,
This document helps in changing the status of the Request/Task from Released to Modifiable.
1.Go to SE09 transaction and released the
2. Now the TR is released and the same can be seen as below.
3 Goto SE38 and run the standard program ‘RDDIT076’ – shown as below
4. Provide the TR# as per below screen shot
5. We will be able to see the Request / Task as below
Here R -> Means Released – we can change it to Modifiable State
Double Click on ‘R’
In the window appeared as below click on ‘Change’ button and then place cursor in Status field and Press F4 and select ‘D – Modifiable’
Status Pop up
After changing status from R to D then save it - Goto SE09 and see the TR - it looks as below with status changed to normal
Mohammed Rafi