This Documents Defines what is BOM and Creation of BOM in ECC (CS01) with sample Test Case.
Definition of BOM:
For manufacturing a product or assembling, list of several components (part of product) are needed.
A well-structured list of Items or Components is known as BOM - Bill of Material.
The list will contain object number of each components and its unit of measure with quantity.
A finished product is a combination of several different component parts or Materials.
Types of BOM available in SAP
You can create the following BOMs in the SAP system:
- Material BOMs
- Equipment BOMs
- Functional location BOMs
- Document structures
- Order BOM
- Work breakdown structure (WBS) BOM
BOM can be act as basic for several activities in Production department , some of the examples are :
1.MRP Department:
BOM data can be used to calculate cost-effective order quantities for materials.
2.Work scheduling department:
BOM data can be used for operation planning and control.
3.Production order management department:
BOM data can be used to plan the provision of materials.
3. Sales Order
4. Reservation
5. Product Costing
BOM Usage :
It is a Key which defines different areas of a Company where the BOM can be used.
BOM Item Category :
Categorization of the items in a BOM according to set criteria, such as whether they refer to an object or whether they are kept in stock.
- This categorization allows you to process data that is relevant to the individual items in a BOM. The item category is used to control field selection, default values for BOM maintenance, triggering of specific system activities, and so on.
- For Example Documentation Item, Stock Item, Packing Item.
- SAP R/3 system allows you to create individual BOM depending upon the area in your company.
Define BOM Usages:
- In Customizing for Production, define individual BOM usages for the different areas within your company by choosing Basic data -->Bill of Material --> General data -->BOM usage -->Define BOM usages.
You can define BOM usages for the following scenarios:
- You maintain separate BOMs for different areas within your company, such as design or production.
- You create just one BOM for all areas within your company.
Alternative BOM:
- Alt BOM is used to define BOM in a BOM group.
- By default system will consider next ALT. BOM Number if user won’t enter any Alt BOM Number.
- If user enter any Alt. BOM , then system will validate Alt BOM.
Structure of a BOM:
BOM data is structured as below,
BOM Header:
- BOM Header consists of DATA Related to BOM, which consists of Plant, Material,Technical Type, Revision Label, etc…
- BOM Header maintains data refer to entire object .
- Refer to single Header Multiple BOM’s would be created which will be maintained by ALT BOM.
BOM Item :
Each part of a final Product is called BOM Item , A product is a collections BOM Items .It consists of Item Number, component Quantity , Item Category, Unit of Measure, Item id .
Sub Items:
Partial quantities of a BOM item may be installed at different points. Sub-items are used to describe the different installation points of these partial quantities. Sub-items have no operational function in the BOM.
BOM Creation in SAP ECC
Transaction for BOM creation is CS01 .
1.Initial Screen for BOM creation :
Mandatory Fields for entering into next screen are Material, Plant and BOM Usage as per Requirement and by default Alt will pick up as next value to available Alt BOM.
Click on Header Icon for header details :
As shown below by default system with Pick 1 as base Qty and Base UOM will be picked from Material Base UOM.
Create BOM Items :
Enter Item Components along with component Qty,UOM,Item Category as shown below.
BOM Creation Sample Code in ECC :
Scenario :
Create material BOM along with items and define Procustion Version .
Define ztables and structure as per the requirement .
Create a class and method for BOM creation with Importing Parameters and exporting parameters as :
*Data Declarations
DATA : lit_bom_header TYPE TABLE OF zsbom_header,
wa_bom_header TYPE zsbom_header,
wa_bom_head TYPE zsbom_header,
lit_bom_head TYPE TABLE OF zsbom_header,
wa_bom_h TYPE zsbom_header,
lit_bom_items TYPE TABLE OF ztbom_items,
wa_bom_items TYPE ztbom_items,
wa_bom_i TYPE zsbom_items,
lit_bom_items_table TYPE TABLE OF zsbom_items,
lit_bom_item_table TYPE TABLE OF zsbom_items,
wa_bom_item_table LIKE LINE OF lit_bom_item_table,
lit_cost_bom_items TYPE TABLE OF ztt_bom_item,
lit_bom_item TYPE ztbom_items,
i_mast TYPE TABLE OF mast,
lv_role TYPE zrole,
lv_verid TYPE mkal-verid,
lv_verid1 TYPE mkal-verid,
lv_bstma TYPE char13,
lv_bstmi TYPE char13,
lv_stlal TYPE stlal,
lv_idnrk TYPE idnrk,
lv_flag TYPE char1,
lv_phassign(4) TYPE c,
lv_ph_desc TYPE string,
wa_error TYPE bapiret2,
lit_error TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2,
persistent_ref TYPE REF TO zcl_d_persist_bom,
obj_ref TYPE REF TO zcl_d_bom,
l_msg TYPE bapiret2-message,
l_warnings TYPE capiflag-flwarning,
l_stpo TYPE TABLE OF stpo_api02,
wa_stpo LIKE LINE OF l_stpo,
l_stko TYPE TABLE OF stko_api02,
lv_matnr TYPE csap_mbom-matnr,
timestamp TYPE tzonref-tstamps,
obj_bom TYPE REF TO zcl_d_bom.
TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_mast,
matnr TYPE mast-matnr,
werks TYPE mast-werks,
stlan TYPE mast-stlan,
stlal TYPE mast-stlal,
END OF ty_mast.
DATA : lit_mast TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_mast,
wa_mast TYPE ty_mast,
lit_mast1 TYPE TABLE OF mast,
lv_index TYPE sy-tabix,
lv_itmid TYPE bapi1080_itm_c-item_id.
DATA : bom_items TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zsbom_items,
lit_bom_item_temp TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zsbom_items.
DATA : lit_stas TYPE TABLE OF stas,
wa_stas TYPE stas,
lit_ausp TYPE TABLE OF ausp,
wa_ausp TYPE ausp,
wa_mast1 TYPE mast,
lit_stpo1 TYPE TABLE OF stpo,
wa_stpo1 TYPE stpo,
lit_inob TYPE TABLE OF inob,
wa_inob TYPE inob.
DATA : lv_objek TYPE inob-objek,
lv_date TYPE rn1datum-datex,
lv_stlnr TYPE mast-stlnr,
lv_counter TYPE i.
DATA : lit_bom_hrep TYPE TABLE OF ztbom_head_rep, "Historical Report declarations
wa_bom_hrep TYPE ztbom_head_rep,
wa_bom_hrep1 TYPE ztbom_head_rep,
lit_bom_hist_temp TYPE TABLE OF ztbom_head_rep,
wa_bom_hist_temp TYPE ztbom_head_rep,
wa_bom_hist_temp1 TYPE ztbom_head_rep,
lit_ampl TYPE TABLE OF ampl,
wa_ampl TYPE ampl,
lit_bom_irep TYPE TABLE OF zsbom_i_report,
wa_bom_irep TYPE zsbom_i_report,
wa_bom_itemrep TYPE ztbom_item_rep,
lit_hist_msg type ztd_hist_msgs,
wa_hist_msg type ztd_hist_msgs.
* internal table that have to be passed to the bapi
DATA : lit_bomgroup TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi1080_bgr_c,
wa_bomgroup TYPE bapi1080_bgr_c,
lv_bom_text TYPE string,
lv_plant TYPE ztbom_header-werks,
lit_variants TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi1080_bom_c,
wa_variants TYPE bapi1080_bom_c,
lit_items TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi1080_itm_c,
wa_items TYPE bapi1080_itm_c,
lit_matrel TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi1080_mbm_c,
wa_matrel TYPE bapi1080_mbm_c,
lit_itemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapi1080_rel_itm_bom_c,
wa_itemas TYPE bapi1080_rel_itm_bom_c.
*-->Check BOM Existency
input = i_bom_header-matnr
output = lv_matnr.
SELECT SINGLE stlnr FROM mast INTO lv_stlnr WHERE matnr = lv_matnr
AND werks = i_bom_header-werks
AND stlal = i_bom_header-stlal AND stlan = '1'.
IF lv_stlnr IS INITIAL.
* assign bom usage to 1.
IF wa_bom_h-stlan IS INITIAL.
wa_bom_h-stlan = zif_d_constant=>c_production_bom_usg.
* assign bom text bases on condition
lv_plant = wa_bom_h-werks.
IF lv_plant+0(2) = '10'.
CONCATENATE 'BOM For' wa_bom_h-maktx INTO lv_bom_text SEPARATED BY space.
lv_bom_text = ' ' .
wa_bomgroup-bom_group_identification = 'BAPI_SMP_COL1'.
wa_bomgroup-object_type = 'BGR'.
wa_bomgroup-object_id = 'SIMPLE1'.
wa_bomgroup-bom_usage = wa_bom_h-stlan.
wa_bomgroup-created_in_plant = wa_bom_h-werks.
wa_bomgroup-ltxt_lang = sy-langu.
wa_bomgroup-technical_type = ' '.
wa_bomgroup-bom_text = lv_bom_text.
APPEND wa_bomgroup TO lit_bomgroup.
IF wa_bom_h-datuv IS INITIAL.
wa_bom_h-datuv = sy-datum.
*UOM Conversion :
input = wa_bom_h-bmein
output = wa_bom_h-bmein
unit_not_found = 1
*Define Varaints
wa_variants-bom_group_identification = 'BAPI_SMP_COL1'.
wa_variants-object_type = 'BOM'.
wa_variants-object_id = 'SIMPLE1'.
wa_variants-alternative_bom = wa_bom_h-stlal.
wa_variants-bom_status = wa_bom_h-stlst.
wa_variants-base_qty = wa_bom_h-bmeng.
wa_variants-base_unit = wa_bom_h-bmein. " base unit
wa_variants-alt_text = wa_bom_h-alternate_text. " alternative text
wa_variants-valid_from_date = wa_bom_h-datuv.
wa_variants-function = 'NEW'.
APPEND wa_variants TO lit_variants.
CLEAR lv_itmid.
LOOP AT bom_items INTO wa_bom_i.
CLEAR wa_items.
MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_bom_i TO wa_bom_items.
IF wa_bom_items-posnr IS INITIAL.
wa_bom_items-posnr = '0010'.
IF wa_bom_items-postp IS INITIAL.
wa_bom_items-postp = 'L'.
IF wa_bom_items-datuv IS INITIAL.
wa_bom_items-datuv = sy-datum.
input = wa_bom_items-idnrk
output = wa_bom_items-idnrk
length_error = 1
* Details of the items of the variants
*to convert the uom for bom item
input = wa_bom_items-meins
language = sy-langu
output = wa_bom_items-meins
unit_not_found = 1
input = wa_bom_items-vendor_no
output = wa_bom_items-vendor_no.
wa_items-bom_group_identification = 'BAPI_SMP_COL1'.
wa_items-object_type = 'ITM'.
wa_items-object_id = 'SIMPLE1'.
wa_items-item_no = wa_bom_items-posnr.
wa_items-item_cat = wa_bom_items-postp ."Item Category
wa_items-comp_unit = wa_bom_items-meins. " bom uom added
wa_items-alt_item_prio = wa_bom_items-alprf. " priority added
wa_items-usage_prob = wa_bom_items-ewahr. " usage probability added
*-->Sort String
IF wa_bom_items-sortf IS NOT INITIAL.
wa_items-sort_string = wa_bom_items-sortf." sort string added
SPLIT wa_bom_items-zph_assign AT '-' INTO lv_phassign lv_ph_desc.
CONDENSE lv_ph_desc.
wa_items-sort_string = lv_ph_desc .
*-->End of Sort String
wa_items-component = wa_bom_items-idnrk.
wa_items-comp_qty = wa_bom_items-menge.
wa_items-item_text1 = wa_bom_items-ktext. "Bom component description added
wa_items-alt_item_group = wa_bom_items-alpgr. " Bom Alt Item Group
wa_items-valid_from_date = wa_bom_items-datuv.
wa_items-iss_st_loc = wa_bom_items-lgort."storage plant
*-->Alt Item Strategy
IF wa_items-alt_item_group IS NOT INITIAL.
wa_items-alt_item_strategy = '2'. "Alt Item Strategy
wa_items-alt_item_strategy = ' '.
IF wa_bom_items-idnrk CP '35*'.
wa_items-class_type = '023'.
wa_items-vendor_no = wa_bom_items-vendor_no.
APPEND wa_items TO lit_items.
CLEAR wa_items.
CLEAR lv_itmid.
input = wa_bom_h-matnr
output = wa_bom_h-matnr
length_error = 1
*creation of production BOM
IF wa_bom_h-stlan IS INITIAL.
wa_bom_h-stlan = 1.
*--From Lot size and to size------------*
IF i_bom_header-werks CP '10*'.
lv_bstmi = zif_d_constant=>c_bstmi. "BASE QUANTITY
lv_bstma = zif_d_constant=>c_bstma.
CONDENSE lv_bstma.
CONDENSE lv_bstmi.
lv_bstmi = zif_d_constant=>c_bstmi.
lv_bstma = zif_d_constant=>c_bstma.
CONDENSE lv_bstma.
CONDENSE lv_bstmi.
* Details of the materials of the different variants
wa_matrel-bom_group_identification = 'BAPI_SMP_COL1'.
wa_matrel-material = wa_bom_h-matnr.
wa_matrel-plant = wa_bom_h-werks.
wa_matrel-bom_usage = wa_bom_h-stlan.
wa_matrel-alternative_bom = wa_bom_h-stlal.
wa_matrel-lot_size_from = lv_bstmi.
wa_matrel-lot_size_to = lv_bstma.
APPEND wa_matrel TO lit_matrel.
* Linking items to the corresponding variants
wa_itemas-bom_group_identification = 'BAPI_SMP_COL1'.
wa_itemas-sub_object_type = 'ITM'.
wa_itemas-sub_object_id = 'SIMPLE1'.
wa_itemas-super_object_type = 'BOM'.
wa_itemas-super_object_id = 'SIMPLE1'.
wa_itemas-valid_from_date = wa_bom_items-datuv.
wa_itemas-function = 'NEW'.
APPEND wa_itemas TO lit_itemas.
* call function to create bill fo materail by using
* the previously declared local internal tables
SORT lit_items BY object_id valid_from_date.
all_error = 'X'
bomgroup = lit_bomgroup
variants = lit_variants
items = lit_items
materialrelations = lit_matrel
itemassignments = lit_itemas
return = e_return.
*----END OF Production BOM CREATION-----------------------*