Hello community,
I presented here the possibiltiy how to use Windows PowerShell inside ABAP.
Here now the possibility how to use VB#, Visual Basic for dotNET, inside ABAP, on the same way:
Program zUseVBSharp.
Type-Pools OLE2 .
Constants OUTPUT_CONSOLE Type i Value 0.
Constants OUTPUT_WINDOW Type i Value 1.
Constants OUTPUT_BUFFER Type i Value 2.
Data Result Type i Value 0.
Data strResult Type String Value ''.
Data tabResult Type Table Of String.
Data PSCode Type String Value ''.
Define _.
Concatenate PSCode &1 cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf Into PSCode.
Create Object PS 'SAPIEN.ActiveXPoSH'.
If sy-subrc = 0 And PS-Handle <> 0 And PS-Type = 'OLE2'.
Call Method Of PS 'Init' = Result Exporting #1 = 0.
If Result = 0.
Call Method Of PS 'IsPowerShellInstalled' = Result.
If Result <> 0.
Set Property Of PS 'OutputMode' = OUTPUT_BUFFER.
"-PowerShell Begin------------------------------------------------------
_ '$VBCode = @"'.
"-VB# Begin-------------------------------------------------------------
_ 'Option Strict On'.
_ 'Imports System'.
_ 'Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic'.
_ 'Namespace VBCode'.
_ ' Public Class VB'.
_ ' Public Shared Function Hello1() As String'.
_ ' Return "Hello World!"'.
_ ' End Function'.
_ ' Public Function Hello2(ByVal Name As String) As String'.
_ ' Return "Hello " & Name & "!"'.
_ ' End Function'.
_ ' Public Sub Hello3(ByVal Name As String)'.
_ ' MsgBox(Name, MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, "Hello")'.
_ ' End Sub'.
_ ' End Class'.
_ 'End Namespace'.
"-VB# End---------------------------------------------------------------
_ '"@;'.
_ 'Add-Type -TypeDefinition $VBCode -Language VisualBasic'.
_ '$VB = new-Object VBCode.VB'.
_ '[VBCode.VB]::Hello1()'.
_ '$VB.Hello2("Stefan")'.
_ '$VB.Hello3("Stefan")'.
"-PowerShell End--------------------------------------------------------
Call Method Of PS 'Execute' Exporting
#1 = PSCode.
Call Method Of PS 'OutputString' = strResult.
Split strResult At cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf
Into Table tabResult.
Loop At tabResult Into strResult.
Write: / strResult.
Free Object PS.
The PowerShell code encloses the VB# code. The VB# code is a namespace, a class and three methods. In the PowerShell code, below VB# code, these methods are called. Hello1 and Hello2 returns the result inside the output buffer of ActiveX-PowerShell and Hello3 opens a message box.
On the same way you can embed C# code inside ABAP.
I think this possibility opens the gate very wide to embed the power of dotNET framework and its languages.