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Open PO Extraction


of Open Purchase orders



        Open Purchase Orders data retrieved from
tables EKKO, EKPO, EKET, ESLL, EKKN and KONV, which includes the following






Purchasing Document Type


Purchasing Document Number


Account Number of the Vendor


Purchasing Document Date


Company Code


Purchasing group


Purchasing Organization


Terms of payment key


Incoterms (part 1)


Incoterms (part 2)


Currency Key


Exchange rate


Responsible salesperson at vendor's office


Vendor's telephone number


Customer's or vendor's internal reference


Our reference


Quotation number


Quotation submission date


Collective number


Number of the document condition


Procedure (pricing, output control, acct. det.,


Start of validity period


End of validity period


Item Number of Purchasing Document


Account assignment category


Item category in purchasing document


Material Number


Short text


Purchase order quantity


Order unit


Net price in purchasing document (in document


Price unit




Storage Location


Requirement Tracking Number


Material Group


Name of requisitioner/requester


Number of purchasing info record


Order Price Unit (Purchasing)


Goods Receipt, Non-Valuated


Shipping instructions


Stock type


Incoterms (part 1)


Incoterms (part 2)


Tax on sales/purchases code


Jurisdiction for Tax Calculation - Tax
  Jurisdiction Code


Confirmation control key


Order acknowledgment number


Order acknowledgment requirement


Material Number used by Vendor




Vendor to be supplied/who is to receive delivery


Subcontracting vendor


"Delivery Completed" Indicator


Deletion indicator in purchasing document


Step number


Condition type


Calculation type for condition


Condition base value


Rate (condition amount or percentage)


Currency Key


Condition pricing unit


Condition unit in the document


Account Number of Vendor or Creditor


Condition value


Delivery Schedule Line Counter


Category of delivery date


Item delivery date


Scheduled quantity


Statistics-relevant delivery date


Package number


Line number


Line number


Short text


Quantity with or without plus/minus sign


Base Unit of Measure


Gross price


Net Value of the Item


Gross price


Sequential number of account assignment


Cost Center


G/L Account


Order Number






  percentage in the case of multiple acct assignment









  • Provide the Selection Screen with Purchasing
    Document Date, Purchasing Document Type and Plant.






  • Fetch the Header Data for Open Purchase Order into
    an Internal Table by selecting All Header details from EKKO table by Passing BSTYP
    = ‘F’ , Purchasing Document Date(BEDAT) = Selection Screen Date , BUKRS(Company
    Code) = ‘XXX’ and Purchasing Document Type (BSART) = Selection Screen Purchasing
    Document Type.






  • For the header data, fetch the relevant item details
    into an internal table from EKPO table by passing LOEKZ = ‘ ’, ELIKZ = ‘ ’ and
    Plant (WERKS) = Selection Screen Plant.






  • Loop the item data and read the header data, to move
    all the header and item details into a single internal table.






  • For the header and item details, fetch the relevant
    Schedule line details into an internal table from EKET Table.






  • For the schedule line details, fetch the relevant History
    per Purchasing Document into an internal table from EKBE Table.






  • Delete the values in the History per Purchasing
    Document internal table by BEWTP (PO history category) EQ ‘Q’.






  • Fetch the Service Entry Sheet Header Data, for all History
    per Purchasing Document values from ESSR Table by passing Entry sheet number (LBLNI)
    from ESSR = Document No. of a Reference Document(LFBNR) from EKBE table.






  • Loop the Schedule line internal table and read the History
    per Purchasing Document.






  • By passing certain condition move the Schedule line
    details, History per Purchasing Document details into a single internal table.






  • State the condition EKBE-BEWTP EQ ‘E’ , then loop
    the History per Purchasing Document internal table using key field of PO number
    and item number.






  • Create an internal table with PO number, PO item, Number
    of Material Document (BELNR), Item in Material Document (BUZEI).






  • Read that newly created internal table for BELNR,
    With the Key of EBELN, EBELP, BELNR, and BUZEI.






  • Check for the BELNR Equal is initial, Check for the
    Condition where Movement type (BWART) EQ ‘101’ and PO number and PO item number
    EQ to History per Purchasing Document PO number and PO item number.






  • Else if check for the movement type ‘102’ and ‘122’
    and EBELN and EBELP, if BWART (Movement type) = 122 add the Quantity for the
    new internal for Schedule line = new internal for Schedule line + History per
    Purchasing Document quantity (MENGE), and move the same for quantity1 as well
    else move the Quantity for the new internal for Schedule line = new internal
    for Schedule line + History per Purchasing Document quantity (MENGE).Check for
    the Quantity for movement type 103 is not initial, for movement type 122 clear
    the Quantity and Set a flag = ‘Y’, else if movement type 101 initial Clear
    quantity1 and Set a flag = ‘X’.






  • Else if check for the movement type ‘103’ and EBELN
    and EBELP, Quantity 103 = quantity 103 + EKBE-BAMNG.






  • Else if check for the movement type ‘104’ , ‘122’ and
    ‘124’ and EBELN and EBELP, if BWART (Movement type) = 104 or 124 , add
    quantity1 = quantity1 + EKBE-BAMNG Else add the Quantity for the new internal
    for Schedule line = new internal for Schedule line + History per Purchasing
    Document quantity (MENGE), and move the same for quantity1 as well. Check for
    the Quantity for movement type 103 is not initial for movement type 122 clear
    the Quantity and Set a flag = ‘Y’, else if movement type 101 initial Clear
    quantity1 and Set a flag = ‘X’ else set flag = ‘Y’.






  • Else if check for the movement type ‘101’ and EBELN
    and EBELP is not initial, if flag = ‘Y’, finalquantity103 = quantity103 –
    quantity1 and final value = menge value - finalquantity103 and quantity103 =
    quantity103 + quantity1. Else if flag = ‘X’ then finalquantity101 = quantity101
    – quantity and final value = menge value - finalquantity101 and quantity101 =
    quantity101 + quantity. If final value not equal to ‘0’ , move EBELN, EBELP,
    EINDT, SLFDT, LPEIN, ETENR, if flag = ‘X’ Move finalquantity101 to menge
    else  Move finalquantity103 to menge and
    WEMNG and MENGE Value and append into EKET2 internal table and quantity101 =
    quantity101 + EKBE-MENGE and Set flag = ‘X’.






  • Else if check for the movement type ‘102’, ‘122’ and
    EBELN and EBELP is not initial, if flag = ‘Y’, finalquantity103 = quantity103 –
    quantity1 and final value = menge value - finalquantity103 and quantity103 =
    quantity103 + quantity1. Else if flag = ‘X’ then finalquantity101 = quantity101
    – quantity and final value = menge value - finalquantity101 and quantity101 =
    quantity101 + quantity. If final value not equal to ‘0’, move EBELN, EBELP,
    EINDT, SLFDT, LPEIN, ETENR, if flag = ‘X’ Move finalquantity101 to menge
    else  Move finalquantity103 to menge and
    WEMNG and MENGE Value and append into EKET2 internal table and if movement type
    = 122, quantity = quantity + EKBE-MENGE and quantity = quantity + EKBE-MENGE ,
    check quantity103 is not initial Set flag = ‘Y’ and clear quantity else
    quantity = quantity + EKBE-MENGE , check quantity101 is not initial Set flag =
    ‘X’ and clear quantity1 else set flag = ‘X’.






  • Else if check for the movement type ‘103’ and EBELN
    and EBELP is not initial, if flag = ‘Y’, finalquantity103 = quantity103 –
    quantity1 and final value = menge value - finalquantity103 and quantity103 =
    quantity103 + quantity1. Else if flag = ‘X’ then finalquantity101 = quantity101
    – quantity and final value = menge value - finalquantity101 and quantity101 =
    quantity101 + quantity. If final value not equal to ‘0’ , move EBELN, EBELP,
    EINDT, SLFDT, LPEIN, ETENR, if flag = ‘X’ Move finalquantity101 to menge
    else  Move finalquantity103 to menge and WEMNG
    and MENGE Value and append into EKET2 internal table and quantity103 =
    quantity103 + EKBE-MENGE and Set flag = ‘Y’.






  • Else if check for the movement type ‘104’, ‘122’,
    ‘124’ and EBELN and EBELP is not initial, if flag = ‘Y’, finalquantity103 =
    quantity103 – quantity1 and final value = menge value - finalquantity103 and
    quantity103 = quantity103 + quantity1. Else if flag = ‘X’ then finalquantity101
    = quantity101 – quantity and final value = menge value - finalquantity101 and
    quantity101 = quantity101 + quantity. If final value not equal to ‘0’, move
    EBELN, EBELP, EINDT, SLFDT, LPEIN, ETENR, if flag = ‘X’ Move finalquantity101
    to menge else  Move finalquantity103 to
    menge and WEMNG and MENGE Value and append into EKET2 internal table and if
    movement type = ‘124’ or ‘104’, quantity1 = quantity + EKBE-MENGE, check
    quantity103 is not initial Set flag = ‘Y’ and clear quantity else quantity1 =
    quantity1 + EKBE-MENGE and quantity = quantity + EKBE-MENGE, check quantity101
    is not initial Set flag = ‘X’ and clear quantity1 else set flag = ‘Y’.






  • Else if check for the movement type ‘101’, if flag =
    ‘Y’, finalquantity103 = quantity103 – quantity1 and final value = menge value -
    finalquantity103 and quantity103 = quantity103 + quantity1. Else if flag = ‘X’
    then finalquantity101 = quantity101 – quantity and final value = menge value -
    finalquantity101 and quantity101 = quantity101 + quantity. If final value not
    equal to ‘0’ , move EBELN, EBELP, EINDT, SLFDT, LPEIN, ETENR, if flag = ‘X’
    Move finalquantity101 to menge else  Move
    finalquantity103 to menge and WEMNG and MENGE Value and append into EKET2
    internal table and quantity101 = quantity101 + EKBE-MENGE and Set flag = ‘X’.






  • Else if check for the movement type ‘102’, ‘122’, if
    flag = ‘Y’, finalquantity103 = quantity103 – quantity1 and final value = menge
    value - finalquantity103 and quantity103 = quantity103 + quantity1. Else if
    flag = ‘X’ then finalquantity101 = quantity101 – quantity and final value =
    menge value - finalquantity101 and quantity101 = quantity101 + quantity. If
    final value not equal to ‘0’, move EBELN, EBELP, EINDT, SLFDT, LPEIN, ETENR, if
    flag = ‘X’ Move finalquantity101 to menge else
    Move finalquantity103 to menge and WEMNG and MENGE Value and append into
    EKET2 internal table and if movement type = 122, quantity = quantity +
    EKBE-MENGE and quantity = quantity + EKBE-MENGE , check quantity103 is not
    initial Set flag = ‘Y’ and clear quantity else quantity = quantity + EKBE-MENGE
    , check quantity101 is not initial Set flag = ‘X’ and clear quantity1 else set
    flag = ‘X’.






  • Else if check for the movement type ‘103’, if flag =
    ‘Y’, finalquantity103 = quantity103 – quantity1 and final value = menge value -
    finalquantity103 and quantity103 = quantity103 + quantity1. Else if flag = ‘X’
    then finalquantity101 = quantity101 – quantity and final value = menge value -
    finalquantity101 and quantity101 = quantity101 + quantity. If final value not
    equal to ‘0’ , move EBELN, EBELP, EINDT, SLFDT, LPEIN, ETENR, if flag = ‘X’
    Move finalquantity101 to menge else  Move
    finalquantity103 to menge and WEMNG and MENGE Value and append into EKET2
    internal table and quantity103 = quantity103 + EKBE-MENGE and Set flag = ‘Y’.






  • Else if check for the movement type ‘104’, ‘122’,
    ‘124’, if flag = ‘Y’, finalquantity103 = quantity103 – quantity1 and final
    value = menge value - finalquantity103 and quantity103 = quantity103 +
    quantity1. Else if flag = ‘X’ then finalquantity101 = quantity101 – quantity
    and final value = menge value - finalquantity101 and quantity101 = quantity101
    + quantity. If final value not equal to ‘0’, move EBELN, EBELP, EINDT, SLFDT,
    LPEIN, ETENR, if flag = ‘X’ Move finalquantity101 to menge else  Move finalquantity103 to menge and WEMNG and
    MENGE Value and append into EKET2 internal table and if movement type = ‘124’
    or ‘104’, quantity1 = quantity + EKBE-MENGE, check quantity103 is not initial
    Set flag = ‘Y’ and clear quantity else quantity1 = quantity1 + EKBE-MENGE and
    quantity = quantity + EKBE-MENGE, check quantity101 is not initial Set flag =
    ‘X’ and clear quantity1 else set flag = ‘Y’.






  • Move all the values to BELNR Internal Table and
    append it and calculate menge value = menge value + EKET-MENGE and end if
    Statement and end the Loop Statement.






  • Else if Check for EKBE-BEWTP = ‘D’, Read the ESSR
    Internal Table with key LBLNI = EKBE-LFBNR and LOKEZ = ‘X’. Check the if SY-SUBRC
    EQ ‘0’ move all value from EKET to EKET1 and Append it, else read the EKBE1
    Internal Table With Key LFBNR = EKBE-LFBNR BEWTP = ‘E’ BWART = ‘102’ . If EKBE1
    is not an initial Move the values from EKET to EKET1 and append the EKET1
    Internal Table.






  • Else Move the values from EKET to EKET1 and append
    the EKET1 Internal Table and end if statement.






  • Else Move the values from EKET to EKET1 and append
    the EKET1 Internal Table and end if Statement and end the Loop Statement.






  • If quantity103 is not initial, finalquantity103 =
    Quantity103 – Quantity1 and final value = Menge Value – Finalquantity103 and
    Set flag = ‘Y’. Else if quantity101 is not initial, finalquantity101 =
    Quantity101 – Quantity and final value = Menge Value – Finalquantity101 and Set
    flag = ‘X’. If final value not equal to ‘0’, move EBELN, EBELP, EINDT, SLFDT,
    LPEIN, ETENR, if flag = ‘X’ Move finalquantity101 to EKET2-menge else  Move finalquantity103 to EKET2-menge and
    WEMNG and MENGE Value and append into EKET2 internal table and end if






  • Loop the EKET internal table, if EBELN = EKET-EBELN
    and EBELP = EKET-EBELP, Move Menge Value = Menge value + EKET-MENGE and if
    EBELN and EBELP is initial Move Menge Value = Menge value + EKET-MENGE and Move
    EBELN, EBELP, Menge Value to BELNR and append the internal table and move the
    values of EKET-EBELN to EBELN and EKET-EBELP to EBELP and end the loop






  • If menge value is not initial move EBELN, EBELP,
    MENGE Value to BELNR internal table and append it and end if Statement.






  • Again Loop the EKET internal table read the EKBE
    internal Table with key BEWTP = ‘E’ EBELN EBELP, if EKBE is not initial Read
    EKET2 internal table if SY-SUBRC = ‘0’ Read the BELNR internal table, Calculate
    Menge Value = EKET2-MENGE – BELNR-MENGE.
    If EKET2-MENGE = ‘0’, Move the EKBE and EKET Values to EKET1 and Append
    the EKET2 internal table and move EBELN = EKBE-EBELN and EBELP = EKBE-EBELP.






  • Else if EKET-MENGE > ‘0’ and EKET-EBELN = EBELN
    and EKET-EBELP = EBELP and EKET2-MENGE = ‘0’, Move all the Values from EKBE,
    EKET to EKET1 and Calculate MENGE1 = EKET-MENGE - EKET2-MENGE and EKET1-MENGE =
    MENGE1, append the EKET1 internal table and assign EKET2-MENGE = ‘0’ Modify the
    EKET2 internal table by transporting menge where EBELN and EBELP equal to EKBE






  • Else if EKET-MENGE > ‘0’ and EKET-MENGE >
    EKET2-MENGE or EKET-MENGE = EKET2-MENGE, Move all the Values from EKBE and EKET
    to EKET1 and Calculate MENGE1 = EKET-MENGE - EKET2-MENGE and EKET1-MENGE = MENGE1,
    append the EKET1 internal table and assign EKET2-MENGE = ‘0’ Modify the EKET2
    internal table by transporting menge where EBELN and EBELP equal to EKBE and






  • Else if EKET-MENGE > ‘0’ and EKET-MENGE <
    EKET2-MENGE and EKET2-MENGE = ‘0’, Move all the Values from EKBE and EKET to
    EKET1 and EKET1-MENGE = ‘0’ and Calculate MENGE1 = EKET-MENGE - EKET2-MENGE and
    append the EKET1 internal table and assign EKET2-MENGE = MENGE1 Modify the
    EKET2 internal table by transporting menge where EBELN and EBELP equal to EKBE






  • Else if EKET-MENGE > ‘0’ and EKET-MENGE <
    EKET2-MENGE and EKET2-MENGE not equal to ‘0’, Move all the Values from EKBE and
    EKET to EKET1 and EKET1-MENGE = ‘0’ and Calculate MENGE1 = EKET-MENGE -
    EKET2-MENGE and append the EKET1 internal table and assign EKET2-MENGE = MENGE1
    Modify the EKET2 internal table by transporting menge where EBELN and EBELP
    equal to EKBE and move EBELN = EKBE-EBELN and EBELP = EKBE-EBELP.






  • Else if EKET-MENGE > ‘0’ and EKET-MENGE <
    EKET2-MENGE and EKET2-MENGE equal to ‘0’ and EKET-EBELN = EBELN and EKET-EBELP
    = EBELP, Move all the Values from EKBE and EKET to EKET1 and append the EKET1
    internal table and move EBELN = EKBE-EBELN and EBELP = EKBE-EBELP.






  • End if statement and end if statement and end the
    loop statement.






  • Sort the EKET1 internal table by EBELN EBELP.






  • Delete adjacent duplicates EKET1 internal table by
    comparing EBELN EBELP ETENR.






  • For the header and item details, fetch the relevant Account
    Assignment in Purchasing Document into an internal table EKKN from EKKN Table.






  • For the header and item details, fetch the relevant Service
    Line Item values into an internal table ESLL from ESLL Table.






  • For the header and item details, fetch the relevant Item
    Condition Type details into an internal table KONV from KONV Table.






  • Loop the KONV internal table and Read the Header
    item internal table (DATA) move the EBELN and EBELP and KONV details to KONVF
    final internal table and append it.









  • For the Service line item ESLL internal table , pass
    the Pack no from ESLL internal table to ESLL Sub pack no and fetch all the
    details into an internal table ESLLS from ESLL table.






  • Loop the ESLLS internal table and read the ESLL
    internal table with key sub pack no. = pack no.
    Move the corresponding values into a final internal table ESLLFI and
    move the both pack no into different field name.






  • Loop the final internal table of ESLLFI and read the
    header item internal table(DATA) , get the EBELN and EBELP with the Key pack no.
    move all the values into an internal table ESLLFI1 and append it.






  • Loop the header item internal table (DATA) and loop
    the KONVF internal table and Loop EKET1 internal table and Loop EKKN internal
    table and move all the values into a final internal table final. If DATA-PSTYP
    EQ ‘9’ , Loop the ESLLFI1 internal table and move the values into an final
    internal table and append it and end the loop statement else append the final
    internal table and end if statement.






  • If SY-SUBRC NE ‘0’, then perform move all the values
    without EKET1 values into a final internal table and append it and end if
    statement and end loop statement.






  • If SY-SUBRC NE ‘0’, then perform move all the values
    without KONVF values into a final internal table and append it and end if
    statement and end loop statement.






  • Then download the final internal table using
    GUI_DOWNLOAD function module into an excel file, with header.






Changes & defects prevention






  • Initially the
    amount was calculated based on the formula- rate multiplied by qty.Later on;
    the same program has been changed in such way that therate was
    calculated based amount divided by qty as per business requirement.






  • We found
    excel format issue, once we downloaded the excel sheet.



For example if the material unit is inch, it’s
downloaded incorrectly as “” in excel sheet which results incorrect data
alingnment.This issue has been resolved by downloading excel using export
option in menu bar. There is no code change done for this case.

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