In ABAP language exists many forms to connect and i want explain how to call dll files for Windows
Below follow step by step to construction:
1 – Create the dll files. In my example i am using the visual basic language, but you can use another language of programmer (ex.: Delphi, C# etc)
VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject END Attribute VB_Name = "DLL_VB" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = True ' Declaration of variable return Private s_retorno As String Public Property Get retorno() As String retorno = "retorno: " & s_retorno End Property ' Function that receives the command and variable playing in s_retorno Public Function envia_comando(ByRef s_comando As String) s_retorno = s_comando End Function
1.1 - Afterbuilding the DLLyou need to registerin windows using the command:
regsvr32 <name file>.dll
After this you are should look the pop-up with message:
2 - Execute the program regedit.exe in Windows System and find the name of DLL file
You need find two values in regedit.exe.
CLsid : {2EC47E73-2E05-45BA-AC8B-CD7E798D4034}
TypeLib: {4F4B5B12-5F45-43DB-A06E-2065395F9866}
3 - This values do you must put in transaction SOLE
4 - Below the example in SAP ABAP that call dll file in Windows.
This example: send a string and return another string using the file dll
*"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Interface local: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(I_COMANDO) TYPE CHAR20 OPTIONAL *" EXPORTING *" VALUE(E_RETORNO) TYPE CHAR20 *" EXCEPTIONS *" CREATE_OBJECT_ERROR *" GET_PROPR_ERROR *" CALL_ERROR *" FREE_OBJ_ERROR *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Includes INCLUDE ole2incl. * Global Variables DATA: obj_vb TYPE ole2_object, vg_comando(20) TYPE c, vg_retorno(20) TYPE c. * sends the command to the dll vg_comando = I_COMANDO. * Creating the object to use the DLL CREATE OBJECT obj_vb 'TESTDLL'. IF sy-subrc NE 0. RAISE create_object_error. ENDIF. * Sending the command to the dll CALL METHOD OF obj_vb 'envia_comando' EXPORTING #1 = vg_comando. * Receiving command of dll get property of obj_vb 'RETORNO' = vg_retorno. IF sy-subrc NE 0. RAISE get_propr_error. ELSE. E_RETORNO = vg_retorno. ENDIF. * Deallocates the object memory FREE OBJECT obj_vb. IF sy-subrc NE 0. RAISE free_obj_error. ENDIF. ENDFUNCTION.
I have helped, any questions please send a message.
Marcelo Macedo