Hello Friends ,
We some times come across situation in which we have develop a report to run in Background. As far as the normal input parameters are concerned if the input criteria involves a Date Range Select-Option, one often thinks even if i schedule a background job for this report in SM36 how to dynamically change the date fields
so that the systems takes the dates automatically.
So for this reason a Variant Maintenance Tool in ABAP WorkBench.
Just follow the below steps.
In T-code SE38 provide your report name & select the radio button Variant.
Select Change button.Here you can create new Variants for your report if you don't have one create one by pressing the create button.
I Already have a Variant so using it directly
Step3. Now select the radio button Attribute & press the Change Button.
it will process to the next Screen, This the Selection Attribute Screen
Step4: Select "Selection Variable " column & press F4. You will see a dialog box having two option i.e Which type of Variable do you need to select for the following input value i.e a Table variable from TVARVC table or a Dynamic Date Calculation Variable.
in my Case i have selected D - Dynamic Date Calculation Varaible.
Step5. Select Type of Variable as D & in the Column "Name of Variable(Input only using F4)".
Step6. if you want the system to run the report in background & automatically pick up the posting dates as the first day & last day of the month
select the option at the very end.
Step7.Here you will face with two input option that is the starting & the end month of the year marked as
(Beginning of mth-xx months, end of mth+yy months)
provide 00 in the two option or simply press ok button if you want system to take the date irrespective of any year.
So your variant is configured to run as a background havingg posting dates automatically selected by the system as he first & last of every month irrespective of the year.
at the end try to save the variant & include it in your transport request so that its easier for BASIS Admin to create jobs for your report in PRD using specific variant,.
Your Suggestions are always welcome.
Best Regards.
Priyesh Shah.