Prerequisites: Basic Knowledge on Workflow and Generic Object Services
Summary: In this Scenario we are using Business Object for Inbound Delivery (BUS2015). We have created a Subtype of the Object to include a few Events and Methods. The Requirement here is to fetch the GOS Attachments for Inbound Delivery in ECC and add the Attachment in the User Decision Step of workflow.
- Create a method in the Business Object which will provide you the details of the Business Document Service: Document ID. Since there can be more than one attachment we create a internal Table of type SWC_OBJECT.
- Create an output Parameter of type ATTLIST which refers to OBJECT “SOFM”
BEGIN_METHOD CREATEATTACHMENT CHANGING CONTAINER. DATA: ls_lpor TYPE sibflporb, lt_conn TYPE TABLE OF bdn_con, ls_conn TYPE bdn_con. TYPES :BEGIN OF ty_conn, LOIO_ID TYPE BDS_DOCID, END of ty_conn. DATA: lt_conn1 type standard table of ty_conn, ls_conn1 type ty_conn. * Constants CONSTANTS : lc_x TYPE char1 VALUE 'X', lc_bus2015 TYPE bds_clsnam VALUE 'BUS2015', lc_clstype TYPE char2 VALUE 'BO', lc_e TYPE char1 VALUE 'E', lc_t TYPE char1 VALUE 'T', lc_b TYPE char1 VALUE 'B'. *--Attachments DATA:ATTLIST TYPE SWC_OBJECT OCCURS 0. DATA:ATT TYPE SWC_OBJECT. DATA:BEGIN OF SOFMKEY, KEY TYPE SWO_TYPEID, END OF SOFMKEY. DATA:l_delivery type vbeln. SWC_GET_ELEMENT CONTAINER 'Delivery' l_delivery. if OBJECT-KEY-DELIVERY is NOT initial. MOVE OBJECT-KEY-DELIVERY TO ls_lpor-instid. else. MOVE l_DELIVERY TO ls_lpor-instid. endif. ls_lpor-typeid = lc_bus2015. ls_lpor-catid = lc_clstype. CALL FUNCTION 'BDS_ALL_CONNECTIONS_GET' EXPORTING classname = lc_bus2015 classtype = lc_clstype objkey = ls_lpor-instid all = lc_x no_gos_docs = '' TABLES all_connections = lt_conn EXCEPTIONS no_objects_found = 1 error_kpro = 2 internal_error = 3 not_authorized = 4 OTHERS = 5. loop at lt_conn into ls_conn. move ls_conn-LOIO_ID to SOFMKEY-key. SWC_CREATE_OBJECT ATT 'SOFM' SOFMKEY. * Insert object reference into multiline object reference APPEND ATT TO ATTLIST. clear ls_conn. endloop. SWC_SET_TABLE CONTAINER 'ATTLIST' ATTLIST. END_METHOD
- Create a task which will transfer the Output ATTLIST to the workflow element
- Create a User Decision Task in the Workflow and create a Element T_ATTACHMENT of type SOFM
- Binding the "Get Attachment List" Task
- Binding from Workflow to User Decision Step
Testing the Workflow using SWUS