JavaScript for ABAP Developers
For those ABAPers who also want to engage in JavaScript development and plunge into the low-level details, Chris Whealy revamped and released some interesting training slides.March 17, 2014
SAP NetWeaver AS Add-On for Code Vulnerability Analysis
Have you ever heard about the Code Vulnerability Analyzer? This new SAP NetWeaver Add-On allows to search for potential security vulnerabilities in ABAP source code. For more information, read the SAP Insider's article Start Your ABAP Applications on Solid Ground written by Patrick Hildenbrand.February 25, 2014
Free Developer Edition: AS ABAP incl. BW on SAP HANA
Do you want to explore the latest features of SAP Business Warehouse, try out ABAP development on SAP HANA or the SAP HANA interactive education? Now we offer a new developer edition of AS ABAP incl. BW 7.4 SP5 on SAP HANA SP7 for our developer community.February 18, 2014
ABAP Language News for Release 7.40 SP05
SP05 for AS ABAP 7.40 comes with a new kernel release 741 and a new kernel release means new ABAP language features. Read this blog by Horst Keller covering the most important ABAP language news.February 6, 2014