This document will brief about the enhancement of t-code AS01/AS02/AS03. the screen enhancement for these t-code is different as here we will enhance t-code using the customizing request and not by using screen exits.
Exit used is AIST0002
step 1 goto CMOD for implementing the exit we need to have an activated project using this exit.
The table include should be created as the new required fields will be referring to this in execution time.
The table has to be enhanced to have the new required fields.
This structure created should have the enhancement category as shown below.
Now activate the project the screen should look like as below.
Screen Creation
Go to SE80 t-code and choose Function Group XAIS
Create new Screen and mark this screen as Subscreen. in my example I have created screen with number 9001.
The coding part is done now. We need to call this enhancement using the customized settings the steps are shown below.
GO to T-code AOLK and AOLA for this
Here i have considered enhancing General Tab of class 1000 in asset management. Select this 1000 class and click on GENERAL ASSIGNMENT OF LAYOUT.
Select SAP (STANDARD TAB LAYOUT)and click on the copy icon above and make a copy as name ZSAP.
Now use T-code AOLA
Choose ZSAP and click on tab page titles
Since here we have to add the additional fields in GENERAL tab we select this and click on the POSITION OF GROUPS ON THE TAB PAGES
Click on new entries and for column Group box we will use the search help provided. The screen no with "U" Appended will appear in the search help select that. In this case it is U9001.
This was all now we can test the code and screen.
Test this using t-code AS01
Thanks and Regards,
Shitanshu Sahai