For Spain, there is a standard transaction that allow you generate the monthly declaration called M340.
The standard transaction is S_E4A_94000356 - Report RFIDESM340
This transaction generates a report that is not totally complete, because the Interval columns are not populated, due to an absence of a counter dependent on the client business requirements.
to be able to populate the interval columns :
Step 1 : Implement OSS Note 1392825 - Modification of Exit LGL_RPT_EXIT_GET_ACC_INTERVAL.
Step 2 : Once Exit activated, you can start coding to populate the interval columns :
bellow the example used :
*& Include ZEXITM340
*types declaration
TYPES : BEGIN OF t_counter,
belnr LIKE tax_line_input-belnr,
mwskz LIKE tax_line_input-mwskz,
fcount(3) TYPE n,
lcount(3) TYPE n,
END OF t_counter.
* data declaration
DATA lw_counter(3) TYPE n.
DATA ls_bseg TYPE bseg.
DATA lw_belnr LIKE tax_line_input-belnr.
DATA lt_counter TYPE TABLE OF t_counter.
DATA ls_counter TYPE t_counter.
IMPORT lt_counter FROM MEMORY ID 'ZEXITM340_Zcounter'.
lw_counter = 1.
SELECT * FROM bseg INTO TABLE lt_bseg WHERE belnr = tax_line_input-belnr
AND hkont = tax_line_input-hkont
AND gjahr = tax_line_input-gjahr.
SORT lt_counter BY belnr lcount DESCENDING.
READ TABLE lt_counter INTO ls_counter WITH KEY belnr = tax_line_input-belnr
mwskz = tax_line_input-mwskz.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
CONCATENATE tax_line_input-belnr ls_counter-fcount INTO acc_int_first .
CONCATENATE tax_line_input-belnr ls_counter-lcount INTO acc_int_last .
READ TABLE lt_counter INTO ls_counter WITH KEY belnr = tax_line_input-belnr.
IF sy-subrc = 0 .
MOVE ls_counter-lcount TO lw_counter.
ADD 1 TO lw_counter.
CONCATENATE tax_line_input-belnr lw_counter INTO acc_int_first .
SUBTRACT 1 FROM lw_counter.
LOOP AT lt_bseg INTO ls_bseg
WHERE mwskz = tax_line_input-mwskz
AND hkont BETWEEN 0070000000 AND 0070099999.
lw_counter = lw_counter + 1.
IF lw_counter = acc_int_first+10(3) .
ADD 1 TO lw_counter.
* sometimes the lw_counter is 000 witch is due to bad selection of G/L Account in (TAX_LINE_INPUT = wa_tax_item)
* so the objectif is to correct this error hard coded way
if lw_counter = 000.
add 2 to lw_counter.
CONCATENATE tax_line_input-belnr lw_counter INTO acc_int_last .
ls_counter-belnr = tax_line_input-belnr.
ls_counter-mwskz = tax_line_input-mwskz.
ls_counter-fcount = acc_int_first .
ls_counter-lcount = acc_int_last .
APPEND ls_counter TO lt_counter.
*export global data for counter
EXPORT lt_counter TO MEMORY ID 'ZEXITM340_Zcounter'.
Of course you need to adapt the Exit depending on the client business requirement,
there is some new OSS notes regarding the modelo 340 for Spain, so do not hesitate to check and update your modelo