Recently I saw some requests to send some graphics in mail attachments.
I look around and as far as I know (Which is questionable....) I did not found any built in support in SAP
(Please correct me if I am wrong) .
The ingredients:
- SVG technology -
- cl_document_bcs - To send mail .
- cl_ixml - To create SVG documents which are ( surprise surprise !!! ) an XML documents .
- Some reading in .
The program included (Y_R_EITAN_TEST_10_05) send a mail message with SVG attachments .
SVG give us the capability to create (using code) geometric primitives and use them to compose some very nice stuff..(e.g.
The multi rectangles in "HTML5 inline SVG (2).HTM" is the result of a loop.
Tips: There are some open and free open source tools to create SVG files so using those can make life a little bit easier.