Yesterday (Jun 14, 2014) selva kumar ask about where used for "SAP Smart Styles"
as far as I know there is no such thing in SAP standard.
So today I thought why not write a simple tool to do something about it .
The program Y_R_EITAN_TEST_31_07 ( attached ) is my attempt .
The program is based on idea borrowed from RFRECPSFTLXML .
Program flow:
- Selecting form names from table STXFADM .
- For each form use clases cl_ssf_fb_smart_form and cl_ixml to parse and collect style info .
It seems that styles use 'STDSTYLE' as xml tag name .
- Display the result using cl_salv_table .
I will appreciate any feed back about bugs (I am getting old....)
I hope that this will be helpful .