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Easing the pain in TMS - using transports of copies


Maybe you know the problem - QA queue is full of old requests, nobody knows which one is relevant (sometimes the programmer isn't even working for your company any more). The answer is transport of copies! This way, you can test your programs in qa system without filling the qa queue with requests - when your program is working, you release the original request and import it in production.


Educating programmers is the next step. But how about automation? SAP delivers BAdI CTS_REQUEST_CHECK with method CHECK_BEFORE_RELEASE - just implement it and you can do various checks before releasing requests. First you have to check the transport type - just use a case condition:


 CASE type.       WHEN 'K' OR 'W'.

This way, only workbench and customizing requests are taken in account - the BAdI ignores everything else including tasks.


Creating transport of copies


First, you need a popup to decide whether changes are final:



 CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_TO_CONFIRM'             EXPORTING               titlebar       = 'Final?'               text_question  = 'Are your developments final?'               text_button_1  = 'Final'(001)               text_button_2  = 'ToC'(002)             IMPORTING               answer         = lv_answer             EXCEPTIONS               text_not_found = 1               OTHERS         = 2.


To create a new request, you can use FM TR_INSERT_REQUEST_WITH_TASKS:


 CALL FUNCTION 'TR_INSERT_REQUEST_WITH_TASKS'                 EXPORTING                   iv_type           = 'T'                   iv_text           = lv_new_text                   iv_owner          = owner                   iv_target         = tarsystem                 IMPORTING                   es_request_header = lv_request_header                   et_task_headers   = lv_task_headers                 EXCEPTIONS                   insert_failed     = 1                   enqueue_failed    = 2                   OTHERS            = 3.


T stands for transport of copies, I create a new description with "[TvK] <old text>" to see which transport was created by BAdI. owner and tarsystem is taken from original request. Next step is to copy all objects:



CALL FUNCTION 'TR_COPY_COMM'                   EXPORTING                     wi_dialog                = abap_false                     wi_trkorr_from           = request                     wi_trkorr_to             = lv_request_header-trkorr                     wi_without_documentation = abap_false                   EXCEPTIONS                     db_access_error          = 1                     trkorr_from_not_exist    = 2                     trkorr_to_is_repair      = 3                     trkorr_to_locked         = 4                     trkorr_to_not_exist      = 5                     trkorr_to_released       = 6                     user_not_owner           = 7                     no_authorization         = 8                     wrong_client             = 9                     wrong_category           = 10                     object_not_patchable     = 11                     OTHERS                   = 12.


TR_COPY_COMM copies all objects in background.

Releasing and importing the created transport


Next step is to release your request, ignoring object locks:


 CALL FUNCTION 'TRINT_RELEASE_REQUEST'                     EXPORTING                       iv_trkorr                   = lv_request_header-trkorr                       iv_dialog                   = ' '                       iv_without_locking          = 'X'                     IMPORTING                       es_request                  = lv_request                       et_deleted_tasks            = lt_deleted_tasks                       et_messages                 = lt_messages                     EXCEPTIONS                       cts_initialization_failure  = 1                       enqueue_failed              = 2                       no_authorization            = 3                       invalid_request             = 4                       request_already_released    = 5                       repeat_too_early            = 6                       object_lock_error           = 7                       object_check_error          = 8                       docu_missing                = 9                       db_access_error             = 10                       action_aborted_by_user      = 11                       export_failed               = 12                       execute_objects_check       = 13                       release_in_bg_mode          = 14                       release_in_bg_mode_w_objchk = 15                       error_in_export_methods     = 16                       object_lang_error           = 17                       OTHERS                      = 18.


Other standard FMs don't ignore object locks, so you need TRINT_RELEASE_REQUEST with the option iv_without_locking.

Since adding to the target buffer can take some time, I advise to do a loop:

 DO 5 TIMES.                       CALL FUNCTION 'TRINT_GET_LOG_OVERVIEW'                         EXPORTING                           iv_request                = lv_request_header-trkorr                           iv_with_transport_targets = 'X'                         IMPORTING                           et_log_overview           = lt_log_overview.                       lv_check = 0.                       LOOP AT lt_log_overview INTO wa_log_overview WHERE sysnam = '<sys>' AND rc = 'W'.                       ENDLOOP.                       IF sy-subrc = 0.                         lv_check = 1.                       ENDIF.                       IF lv_check = 1.                         EXIT.                       ENDIF.                       WAIT UP TO 1 SECONDS.                     ENDDO.

When everything is fine, you can import the created request:


 CALL FUNCTION 'TMS_MGR_IMPORT_TR_REQUEST'                         EXPORTING                           iv_system                  = 'Q01'                           iv_request                 = lv_request_header-trkorr                           iv_ignore_cvers            = 'X'                           iv_monitor                 = ' '                           iv_verbose                 = ' '                         IMPORTING                           ev_tp_ret_code             = lv_trretcode                           es_exception               = wa_exception                         EXCEPTIONS                           read_config_failed         = 1                           table_of_requests_is_empty = 2                           OTHERS                     = 3.


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