Hello Folks,
we can use BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST for creation of down payment request using F-47.
There is a trick involved so i am providing the steps herein.
1. Dont give Business Transaction ( BUS_ACT ) in the header ( document header ), we will derive it in the following steps.
2. i used extention2 of the BADI parameter to identify this kind of transaction.
3. i implemented ACC_DOCUMENT BADI with FILTER VALUE BKPFF, which i passed in document header OBJ_TYPE and in the CHANGE method i changed the C_ACCHD-GLVOR = 'RFST' and the C_ACCIT-BSTAT = 'S' ( Noted Items ) if my extention2 value matches.
then i posted the document successfully using the BAPI.
Animesh Sundriyal