The attached report generates doxygen / plant uml documentation from an abap developoment package.
There are the following prerequisites:
1.) you need doxygen and plantUml installed in (c:\tools\plantuml, i.e. plantuml.jar needs to be there)
2.) you need a directory c:\src (this directory will be used as a workdirectory, files in this directory will be created, overwritten and deleted)
4.) you need the file dp.bat in c:\tools, (you find the file in the attached as a txt file, please rename to dp.bat)
5.) you need the report zmu_dump_class activated in your BW system. (BW 7.40).
If you run the report, you need to provide the name of a development package and then the documentation is generated.
You find the generated documentation in c:\src\html after a successfull run of zmu_dump_class.
Documentation is generated by extracting class/interface/method/ddic documentation, storing them as c header files in c:\src
and then running doxygen over these files. You can include plantUML in the abap documenation and get uml diagrams included. Class diagrams
will be included in any case.
Please note that there is no guaranteed support its just a tool I wrote for my convenience and a tool I think it's worth sharing.