This is my first document on SAP SCN, so I decided to post an ABAP solution that I created some time ago to get Sales Conditions, using a key combination almost like we found running VK13 transaction (condition type, material, condition number or customer):
This solution uses 3 methods from a “Z” Class, which can be used separated or combined, as necessary!
To see all source codes, check the files attached!
Method READ_CONDITION_TABLES (Static Method – Public)
This method is used to read all Sales Condition tables, defined into Customizing Access Sequences.
Method GET_CONDITION_VALUES (Static Method – Public)
This method is used to select dynamically all entries from Sales Condition tables read by method READ_CONDITION_TABLES.
Method GET_SALES_CONDITIONS (Static Method – Public)
This method was created to return all entries from Sales Condition tables enabled, using methods READ_CONDITION_TABLES & GET_CONDITION_VALUES.
I hope this document be helpful for someone!
Best regards,
Alexandre B. Dambrowski