Some days before, I seen one post, adding Extra fields in MCBE(Material Analysis) At Standard T-Code, the person want to Add one extra field and he need to pick the data from the Marc table.(This is the Actual Requirement to him But he has not got any replies) So, The below document explains, the details about How to add columns and how to fetch data from Marc Table.
Task: Adding extra field in MCBE Report and Fetch the Maintain. Status (PSTAT) Field From the MARC table.
Step1: First We need to add field, for displaying in the report Layout , for this We need to check, At which place Fields to be add.
Step2: Go to Se11 and open the Structure s039 and Append the structure In my case, i need only one field, I was added maintain status field of Marc Like
Stpe3: Now Open the MCBE and Check the Layout , You can able to see the New field
Step4: Before Moving moving or enabling the column You have to do One more task. In the table TMC73 We need to maintain the column into the table. Other wise. the Newly added column will not activated You will get error message While moving from Left to Right.
Once Complete the above task You can move the column from Left to right. The column will be appear but there is not data. Now we need to write the code
for getting the data from Marc. And need to append the standard Internal table declaration in the Source Code.
Step5: RMCB0300 This is the main program of the T-Code MCBE. It is having some included, Open the Main program and have a look At Include
RMCB01TP It is having declaration and Structures(Through the Enhancement spot we can write the code). If we wont do this step, The newly added columns will not show in the source code.Exactly At the End of the Structure Declaration You need to add newly added column at Structure aus_s000. Just have a look on below image.
We need to append one more place also in the code. As per the Standard source code. Please have a look below attached image. And Translate the Highlighted Text to English You can understood. Why we are adding the structure in two places And activated the Enhancement spot in the code.
Step6: Now Through the Custom Exit We can Fetch the data from the Marc and we can Make communicate to the Final internal table of the
Standard Code.
Custom Exit name : MCR00002 => Standard analyses: Key figure display
Function Exit Name : EXIT_SAPLMCS2_001
Include Name: ZXMC0U03
Create a Project At Cmod And enable the include . And put the break point and check it. Whether the code is triggering or not.
Step7: By using the Field Symbols We Can get the Material Code, From the Source code,
field-symbols : <fs_mc51> type any,
<fs_zzstatus> type pstat_d.
field-symbols:<fs_dmatnr> type any.
data: stat type s039-zzstatus.
loop at t_aus_s000 assigning <fs_mc51>.
assign component 'objekt' of structure <fs_mc51> to <fs_dmatnr>. "for getting material code from the standard source code
select single pstat from marc into stat where matnr eq <fs_dmatnr>. "fetching from pstat from marc input matnr output pstat
assign component 'zzstatus' of structure <fs_mc51> to <fs_zzstatus>. "assing the zzstatus exactly like s039
<fs_zzstatus> = stat.
Step 8: In debugging check it, Whether it is, maintain status field value is picking from the marc or not. The result will be look like below.