Hi all.
This is a simple program I developed years ago to show Users's activity on programs and transactions.
It's a simpler solution, to use instead of ST03N standard. (Nugg file attached if you need)
To implement the solution, you'll have to create a custom DYNPRO 100.
Create a structure named ZWORKLOAD with these fields:
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report Z_ST03N *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Statistic report and transaction consume *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT Z_ST03N. * Table Declaration TABLES: ZWORKLOAD, V_USR_NAME, TSTCP, TRDIRT, TSTCT, TADIR, TDEVC, DF14L, TSTC, TRDIR, TDEVCT. * Global data *DATA: t_output TYPE TABLE OF SWNCAGGUSERTCODE, "SWNCHITLIST, ""Final output table DATA: t_work TYPE TABLE OF SWNCAGGUSERTCODE "SWNCHITLIST WITH HEADER LINE, "Tabella temporanea t_dirmoni TYPE TABLE OF SWNCMONIKEY WITH HEADER LINE. "Workload component DATA: t_output TYPE TABLE OF ZWORKLOAD WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: itsktp TYPE SWNCTASKTYPERAW. DATA: BEGIN OF t_elcod OCCURS 0, ztcode TYPE ZWORKLOAD-ztcode, END OF t_elcod. DATA: BEGIN OF it_tstcp OCCURS 0, tcode TYPE tstcp-tcode, zrepnm TYPE ZWORKLOAD-zrepnm, zdesrepnm TYPE ZWORKLOAD-zdesrepnm, END OF it_tstcp. CONSTANTS: ZNAMESTRUC TYPE DD02L-TABNAME VALUE 'ZWORKLOAD'. *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * ALV specific Declarations........................................... *----------------------------------------------------------------------- * ALV specific Internal table declarations............................. DATA: i_field_cat TYPE lvc_t_fcat, " Field catalogue i_alv_sort TYPE lvc_t_sort. " Sort table * ALV variables........................................................ DATA: w_alv_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo, " ALV Layout w_alv_save TYPE c, " ALV save w_alv_variant TYPE disvariant. " ALV Variant * Selection parameters SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE text-t01. SELECT-OPTIONS: s_period FOR ZWORKLOAD-PERIOD DEFAULT sy-datum, s_tcode FOR ZWORKLOAD-ZTCODE, s_user FOR ZWORKLOAD-ACCOUNT, s_reptr FOR ZWORKLOAD-TYPELEM. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1. * ALV Class definitions................................................ *----------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION. *----------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: handle_double_click FOR EVENT double_click OF cl_gui_alv_grid IMPORTING e_row e_column, handle_hotspot FOR EVENT hotspot_click OF cl_gui_alv_grid IMPORTING e_row_id e_column_id. ENDCLASS. " CLASS LCL_EVENT_HANDLER DEF.. * ALV Class implementation............................................ * In the Event of a Double Click drill down to the corresponding CHANGE REQUEST *----------------------------------------------------------------------- CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION. *----------------------------------------------------------------------- METHOD handle_double_click. ENDMETHOD. " HANDLE_DOUBLE_CLICK * not working yet - hotspot seems to stay in the gui!! METHOD handle_hotspot. ENDMETHOD. " HANDLE_DOUBLE_CLICK ENDCLASS. " CLASS LCL_EVENT_HANDLER IMPL... * ALV Grid Control definitions........................................ DATA: * ALV Grid Control itself o_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid, * Container to hold the ALV Grid Control o_custom_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container, * Event handler (defined in the class above) o_event_handler TYPE REF TO lcl_event_handler. *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* INITIALIZATION. *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* PERFORM create_field_catalogue USING ZNAMESTRUC CHANGING i_field_cat. " Create ALV Field Catalog START-OF-SELECTION. * Carica dati di output PERFORM get_data_workload. IF NOT t_output[] IS INITIAL. PERFORM list_output_to_alv. " Perform ALV Output operations ENDIF. END-OF-SELECTION. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM LIST_OUTPUT_TO_ALV * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * This subroutine is used to call the screen for ALV Output. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * There are no interface parameters to be passed to this subroutine. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM list_output_to_alv. CALL SCREEN 100. * ENDFORM. " LIST_OUTPUT_TO_ALV *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Module STATUS_0100 OUTPUT * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * This is the PBO module which will be processed befor displaying the * * ALV Output. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT. SET PF-STATUS '0100'. " PF Status for ALV Output Screen SET TITLEBAR 'STD'. CREATE OBJECT: o_grid EXPORTING i_parent = cl_gui_container=>screen0. "o_custom_container. PERFORM define_alv_layout. " ALV Layout options definitions PERFORM save_alv_layout_options. " save ALV layout options PERFORM call_alv_grid. " Call ALV Grid Control ENDMODULE. " STATUS_0100 OUTPUT *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Module USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * This is the PAI module which will be processed when the user performs* * any operation from the ALV output. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT. CASE sy-ucomm. WHEN 'EXIT' OR 'BACK' OR 'CANC'. * may need to do this so display is refreshed if other report selected * CALL METHOD o_custom_container->free. SET SCREEN 0. ENDCASE. ENDMODULE. " USER_COMMAND_0100 INPUT *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM DEFINE_ALV_LAYOUT * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * This subroutine is used to Define the ALV layout. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM define_alv_layout . * w_alv_layout-numc_total = 'X'. " Numc total line w_alv_layout-cwidth_opt = 'X'. " Optimal column width * w_alv_layout-detailinit = 'X'. " Show values that are initial in " detail list. w_alv_layout-sel_mode = 'A'. " Column selection mode w_alv_layout-no_merging = 'X'. " No merging while sorting columns * w_alv_layout-keyhot = 'X'. ENDFORM. " DEFINE_ALV_LAYOUT *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM SAVE_ALV_LAYOUT_OPTIONS * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * This subroutine is used to Save the ALV layout options. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM save_alv_layout_options. * See the ALV grid control documentation for full list of options w_alv_save = 'A'. w_alv_variant-report = sy-repid. ENDFORM. " SAVE_ALV_LAYOUT_OPTIONS *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * FORM CALL_ALV_GRID * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * This subroutine is used to call ALV Grid control for processing. * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM call_alv_grid. CALL METHOD o_grid->set_table_for_first_display EXPORTING is_layout = w_alv_layout i_save = w_alv_save is_variant = w_alv_variant CHANGING it_outtab = t_output[] it_sort = i_alv_sort it_fieldcatalog = i_field_cat. * Link used Events and Event Handler Methods CREATE OBJECT o_event_handler. * Set handler SET HANDLER o_event_handler->handle_double_click FOR o_grid. ENDFORM. " CALL_ALV_GRID *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form create_field_catalogue *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * set up field catalogue *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM create_field_catalogue USING tb_name LIKE DD02L-TABNAME CHANGING pt_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat.. DATA: ls_fcat type lvc_s_fcat. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lf1> TYPE lvc_s_fcat. CALL FUNCTION 'LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE' EXPORTING i_structure_name = tb_name CHANGING ct_fieldcat = pt_fieldcat[] EXCEPTIONS inconsistent_interface = 1 program_error = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * Exceptions handling ENDIF. LOOP AT pt_fieldcat ASSIGNING <lf1>. CASE <lf1>-fieldname. * WHEN 'TERMINALID'. * <lf1>-SCRTEXT_S = text-f01. * <lf1>-SCRTEXT_M = text-f01. * <lf1>-SCRTEXT_L = text-f01. * WHEN 'TCODE'. * <lf1>-SCRTEXT_S = text-f02. * <lf1>-SCRTEXT_M = text-f02. * <lf1>-SCRTEXT_L = text-f02. WHEN OTHERS. <lf1>-KEY = 'X'. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. " create_field_catalogue *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form get_data_workload *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM get_data_workload. DATA: i_valido TYPE c. DATA: i_entry(40), i_account TYPE ZWORKLOAD-account. TYPES: BEGIN OF t_steps, period TYPE ZWORKLOAD-period, account TYPE ZWORKLOAD-account, entry_id(40), count TYPE ZWORKLOAD-zsteps, END OF t_steps. DATA: it_steps TYPE HASHED TABLE OF t_steps WITH UNIQUE KEY period account entry_id. DATA: h_steps TYPE t_steps. REFRESH: t_dirmoni, t_output, it_steps, it_tstcp, t_elcod. * Lettura carichi di lavoro CALL FUNCTION 'SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_DIRECTORY' EXPORTING GET_DIR_FROM_CLUSTER = ' ' EXCLUDE_SUMMARY = ' ' TABLES DIRECTORY_KEYS = t_dirmoni EXCEPTIONS NO_DATA_FOUND = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. ENDIF. " Application servers WORKLOAD * with month registration period LOOP AT t_dirmoni WHERE COMPONENT NE 'TOTAL' OR PERIODTYPE NE 'M'. DELETE t_dirmoni. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT t_dirmoni. REFRESH t_work. " Read aggregated activity CHECK t_dirmoni-periodstrt(6) IN s_period. CALL FUNCTION 'SWNC_COLLECTOR_GET_AGGREGATES' EXPORTING component = t_dirmoni-COMPONENT periodtype = t_dirmoni-PERIODTYPE periodstrt = t_dirmoni-PERIODSTRT TABLES USERTCODE = t_work * HITLIST_DATABASE = t_work EXCEPTIONS no_data_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. SORT t_work BY account entry_id. CLEAR: i_entry, i_account. LOOP AT t_work. * Step Counter for each report/transaction CLEAR h_steps. MOVE t_work-account TO h_steps-account. MOVE t_work-entry_id(40) TO h_steps-entry_id. MOVE t_dirmoni-periodstrt(6) TO h_steps-period. MOVE t_work-count TO h_steps-count. "numero di steps READ TABLE it_steps WITH KEY account = h_steps-account entry_id = h_steps-entry_id period = h_steps-period TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. "If already exists " Collect data steps COLLECT h_steps INTO it_steps. DELETE t_work. CONTINUE. ELSE. " Collectdata steps COLLECT h_steps INTO it_steps. ENDIF. "Filter to verify selection conditions CLEAR t_output. MOVE t_work-account TO t_output-account. MOVE t_work-entry_id+72(1) TO t_output-typelem. MOVE t_work-entry_id(40) TO t_output-ztcode. "Save transaction code or report CONDENSE t_output-ztcode NO-GAPS. IF NOT t_work-entry_id+40(32) IS INITIAL. "If name defined = JOB MOVE 'B' TO t_output-zlncht. ENDIF. MOVE t_dirmoni-periodstrt(6) TO t_output-period. MOVE t_work-tasktype TO t_output-destasktype. "To convert PERFORM verifica_selezioni USING t_output CHANGING i_valido. IF i_valido EQ 'X'. PERFORM add_info CHANGING t_output. append t_output. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. IF t_output[] IS INITIAL. MESSAGE i000(fb) WITH text-e01. ENDIF. SORT t_output BY period account ztcode zrepnm. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM t_output COMPARING period account ztcode zrepnm. LOOP AT t_output. CLEAR: h_steps. READ TABLE it_steps INTO h_steps WITH KEY entry_id = t_output-ztcode period = t_output-period account = t_output-account. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. "Assign step value calculated t_output-zsteps = h_steps-count. ENDIF. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. MODIFY t_output. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. "get_data_workload *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form add_info *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Info details *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->T_OUTPUT output table *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM add_info CHANGING t_output TYPE ZWORKLOAD. DATA: ipgmna TYPE tstc-pgmna, ifctr_id TYPE tdevc-component. DATA: iconta TYPE i. DATA: search_trsn TYPE string. " Conversion task type description CLEAR itsktp. MOVE t_output-destasktype TO itsktp. CLEAR t_output-destasktype. CALL METHOD CL_SWNC_COLLECTOR_INFO=>TRANSLATE_TASKTYPE EXPORTING TASKTYPERAW = itsktp RECEIVING TASKTYPE = t_output-destasktype. " Set extend name account CLEAR t_output-NMACCOUNT. SELECT SINGLE name_text FROM V_USR_NAME INTO t_output-NMACCOUNT WHERE BNAME eq t_output-account. IF t_output-typelem EQ 'T'. ****************** DATA on transaction***************************** CLEAR t_output-DDTEXT. SELECT SINGLE ttext FROM TSTCT INTO t_output-DDTEXT WHERE tcode EQ t_output-ztcode AND sprsl EQ sy-langu. * Development class * Component * Creator * Creation Data * Modification author * Modification date CLEAR: t_output-devclass. SELECT SINGLE devclass FROM TADIR INTO t_output-devclass WHERE obj_name EQ t_output-ztcode AND object EQ 'TRAN' AND pgmid EQ 'R3TR'. " Search application component CLEAR: t_output-COMPID, ifctr_id. IF NOT t_output-devclass IS INITIAL. SELECT SINGLE component FROM TDEVC INTO ifctr_id WHERE devclass EQ t_output-devclass. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. SELECT SINGLE ps_posid FROM DF14L INTO t_output-COMPID WHERE fctr_id EQ ifctr_id. ENDIF. ENDIF. CLEAR: ipgmna. SELECT SINGLE pgmna FROM TSTC INTO ipgmna WHERE tcode EQ t_output-ztcode. CLEAR: t_output-cnam, t_output-cdat, t_output-cnamod, t_output-cdatmod. SELECT SINGLE cnam cdat unam udat FROM TRDIR INTO (t_output-cnam,t_output-cdat,t_output-cnamod,t_output-cdatmod) WHERE name EQ ipgmna. * Development class description CLEAR t_output-DESCLASS. SELECT SINGLE ctext FROM TDEVCT INTO t_output-DESCLASS WHERE devclass EQ t_output-devclass AND spras EQ sy-langu. ELSEIF t_output-typelem EQ 'R'. ****************** DATA on REPORT ***************************** * Object description CLEAR t_output-DDTEXT. SELECT SINGLE text FROM TRDIRT INTO t_output-DDTEXT WHERE name EQ t_output-ztcode AND sprsl EQ sy-langu. * Development Class * Component * Creator * Creation data * Modification author * Modification date CLEAR: t_output-devclass. SELECT SINGLE devclass FROM TADIR INTO t_output-devclass WHERE obj_name EQ t_output-ztcode AND object EQ 'PROG' AND pgmid EQ 'R3TR'. " Search application component CLEAR: t_output-COMPID, ifctr_id. IF NOT t_output-devclass IS INITIAL. SELECT SINGLE component FROM TDEVC INTO ifctr_id WHERE devclass EQ t_output-devclass. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. SELECT SINGLE ps_posid FROM DF14L INTO t_output-COMPID WHERE fctr_id EQ ifctr_id. ENDIF. ENDIF. CLEAR: t_output-cnam, t_output-cdat, t_output-cnamod, t_output-cdatmod. SELECT SINGLE cnam cdat unam udat FROM TRDIR INTO (t_output-cnam,t_output-cdat,t_output-cnamod,t_output-cdatmod) WHERE name EQ t_output-ztcode. * Development class description CLEAR t_output-DESCLASS. SELECT SINGLE ctext FROM TDEVCT INTO t_output-DESCLASS WHERE devclass EQ t_output-devclass AND spras EQ sy-langu. * For report search transactions code related CLEAR: iconta, search_trsn. ", it_tstcp,. CONCATENATE '%D_SREPOVARI-REPORT=' t_output-ztcode '%' INTO search_trsn. CONDENSE search_trsn NO-GAPS. CLEAR: tstcp, t_output-zrepnm, t_output-ZDESREPNM, it_tstcp. READ TABLE t_elcod WITH KEY ztcode = t_output-ztcode. CHECK sy-subrc NE 0. ""If object code founded, it's a report with no association READ TABLE it_tstcp WITH KEY tcode = t_output-ztcode. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. t_output-zrepnm = it_tstcp-zrepnm. t_output-zdesrepnm = it_tstcp-zdesrepnm. ELSE. SELECT SINGLE * FROM tstcp WHERE param LIKE search_trsn. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. t_output-zrepnm = tstcp-tcode. CLEAR t_output-ZDESREPNM. SELECT SINGLE ttext FROM TSTCT INTO t_output-ZDESREPNM WHERE tcode EQ t_output-zrepnm AND sprsl EQ sy-langu. SELECT SINGLE * FROM tstcp WHERE param LIKE search_trsn AND tcode NE tstcp-tcode. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. t_output-zrepnm = text-i01. t_output-ZDESREPNM = text-i02. it_tstcp-tcode = t_output-ztcode. ELSE. it_tstcp-tcode = tstcp-tcode. ENDIF. it_tstcp-zrepnm = t_output-zrepnm. it_tstcp-zdesrepnm = t_output-zdesrepnm. APPEND it_tstcp. ELSE. t_elcod-ztcode = t_output-ztcode. APPEND t_elcod. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDFORM. "add_info *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form verifica_selezioni *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->F_LINE text * -->F_VALIDO text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM verifica_selezioni USING f_line TYPE ZWORKLOAD "SWNCHITLIST CHANGING f_valido. CLEAR f_valido. * Report or Transaction? CHECK f_line-typelem IN s_reptr. * Check report and transaction Filter Selection CHECK NOT f_line-ztcode IS INITIAL AND f_line-ztcode IN s_tcode. * Check Username Filter Selection CHECK NOT f_line-account IS INITIAL AND f_line-account IN s_user. f_valido = 'X'. ENDFORM. "verifica_selezioni
That's all folks. I hope you enjoy.
Probably this utility will be useful, or probably not. It's all part of the game
Text Definition
E01 | No data available |
F01 | Terminal |
F02 | Transaction |
F03 | User |
F04 | Object name |
I01 | **** |
I02 | Found many transactions |
T01 | Selection parameters |