i came across the requirement to copy archive link connections from one object ot another. I would like to share the approach of a possible solution with the community.
Archive Link Connections are stored in the table toav(n) where n={1,2,3}.
What you require to read an archive link connection is the objecttype and the object_id. Tipicly the object id is a business object key and object type is a sap business object.
What steps need to be done to copy the Archive Link connections.
0) Customizing for Document Types or other criterias
1) Get the connections of the source object
2) Copy the existing connections to the target object
3) Set the copied connections entries
Now i would like to describe a possible implementation & the required sap functionality step by step.
0) Customizing for Document Types or other criterias
In this step, you could define a customizing table that controls what entries should be copied. I won't go into detail here, as i assume, that creating a customizing table is very common and not that interesting.
1) Get the connections of the source object
The "hard" part in this step is to identify the proper object. Usually objecttype is the sap business object z.b. BUSnnnn and the objectid is the key of the business object. So the interesting part is the following function module: ARCHIV_GET_CONNECTIONS. To call this function module, provide the objecttype and the objectkey. The present connections are provided in the parameter in connections.
2) Copy the exsiting connections to the target object
This step is quite simple. Loop over the connections readed in step one and change sap_object and object_id in the connection entry structure to the target objects objecttype and target objectid
3) Set the copied connections entries
This step is also quite simple. Loop over the connections with the target object type and id and call the following function module: ARCHIV_CONNECTION_INSERT. You could also use this function module: ARCHIV_CONNECTIONTABLE_INSERT - This function module basicly does the same as loop and ARCHIV_CONNECTION_INSERT.
So that it. By completing these steps, you should have been able to copy existing connections from a source object to a target object.
A wrapper around the four steps could look like this (Error Handling not included )
call method copy_connections(
iv_source_objcettype =
iv_source_objectid =
iv_target_objecttype =
iv_target_objectid =
I wish everyone a nice day.
Kind regards,