Good day guys,
Trust you are doing well. I have been hanging with issue since couple of days. Please guide me.
I would like to add a custom filed into screen variant which is going to define in Define Variants for Manual bank statement.
Field name is : RKLAMMER[finance project].
I thought of if i add the custom field[RKLAMMER] into FEBMKK structure then its going to populated into screen variant level[OT43 t.code level] but it doetsn't appear at possible fields level[ot43 t.code]. I am viewing the all fields from FEBMKK in possible fields but except my custom field.
Then i have debug the strand program[SAPDFKA6] and find the reason.First its importing the fields into V_DYNPRO_F table then its validating some condition and passing the fields to VORTAB AND FLDTAB internal table.While importing the all fields into V_DYNPRO_F internal table, it doesn't bring RKLAMMER field. So i have used the enhancement sport and populating the value[FEBMKK-RKLMMER] into VORTAB and FLDTAB.
Field value is passing the getting the value into possible fields level[OT43 t.code] and insert the value[RKLAMMER] into Current Fields side in screen variant. and Successfully Screen variant was created but if i see the screen display it not showing RKLAMMER field.
Example : if my screent variant got below fields into current fields then it showing all fields but except RKLAMMER field only. I didnt understand tht whts the reason behind.
Process: Go To FF67-->Settings-->Specification--> Here select our screent varaint at Start variant level--->Enter and Give the Values into Bank Key,Bank Account,Currency,
Statement Number,Statement Date,Opening Balance, and Closing Balance -->hit the enter.Its shows our custom screen variant at Bank Statement items level. Here its not showing the RKLAMMER filed.
Thank you very much.
This document was generated from the following discussion: Define Variants for Manual Bank Statement for FF67 Transaction